Even worse than the draft version, the Measures will convert places of worship into branches of the CCP propaganda system. “Bitter Winter” offers a full English translation.

Last April, “Bitter Winter” revealed that a draft of new “Administrative Measures for Religious Activity Venues,” intended to replace those of 2005, was being “circulated for comments.” Normally, this is a cosmetic exercise of pseudo-democracy, comments are ignored, and drafts become laws.
In this case, however, it appears that some comments came from official agencies and were taken into account. The final text of the Measures, which will come into force on September 1, is even worse than the draft. Not only it confirms that religious activity venues should actively broadcast CCP propaganda, or face liquidation. There are stricter provisions for including propaganda content in sermons, and establishing study groups of CCP documents in all places of worship. It is also specified that “It is prohibited to build large open-air religious statues outside of temples and churches,” and the prohibition also applies to private citizens or donors.
“Bitter Winter” offers a full English translation of the new Measures. For an easier understanding, consider that “religious group” refers to the government-controlled five authorized religions.
Administrative Measures for Religious Activity Venues
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Constitution, relevant laws, and the Regulations on Religious Affairs to standardize the management of places of religious activity, protect normal religious activities, and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of places of religious activity and believing citizens.
Article 2 The term “places of religious activity” refers to monasteries, temples, mosques, churches (hereinafter referred to as “monasteries and churches”) and other fixed places for religious activities registered in accordance with the “Regulations on Religious Affairs” and other provisions.
Article 3 Places of religious activity shall uphold the leadership of the CCP and the socialist system, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era, abide by the Constitution, laws, rules and regulations and relevant provisions on the management of religious affairs, practice core socialist values, adhere to the direction of Sinicization of China’s religions, adhere to the principle of independence, autonomy and self-sufficiency, and safeguard the unity of the country, national unity, religious harmony and social stability.
No organization or individual may use places of religious activity to conduct activities that endanger national security, disrupt social order, harm the health of citizens, impede the national education system, violate public order and morals, or otherwise harm the interests of the State, the public interests of society, or the lawful rights and interests of citizens.
Places of religious activity may not engage in illegal activities or provide conditions for illegal activities.
Article 4 The lawful property and revenues of places of religious activity, as well as normal religious activities, are protected by law.
No organization or individual may conduct commercial propaganda in the name of a place of religious activity or make use of the influence of a place of religious activity to gain illegal benefits.
Article 5 Any organization or individual entering a place of religious activity shall respect the beliefs and customs of the religion to which the place belongs.
No organization or individual shall create contradictions or conflicts between different religions, within the same religion, or between believing and non-believing citizens in a place of religious activity.
Article 6 Places of religious activity shall establish management organizations and implement democratic management.
No affiliation shall be formed between different places of religious activity.
Article 7 The Department of religious affairs shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments, supervise and manage places of religious activity in accordance with the law, safeguard citizens’ freedom of religious belief, protect the lawful rights and interests of places of religious activity, and guide and supervise places of religious activity to standardize their internal management.
Chapter II Establishment approval and registration
Article 8 The establishment of places of religious activity shall respect the following conditions:
(i) the establishment of the purpose is not contrary to the provisions of Article 4 and Article 5 of the Regulations on Religious Affairs;
(ii) A certain number of local religious citizens have the need to regularly conduct collective religious activities;
(iii) There is a religious teacher who intends to preside over the religious activities or other personnel in accordance with the rules and regulations of the national religious group of the religion;
(iv) It has the necessary funds, and the sources of funds are legal;
(v) The layout is reasonable and in line with the requirements of territorial zoning planning and ecological environmental protection.
Article 9 To prepare for the establishment of a place of religious activity, a religious organization shall submit an application to the religious affairs department at the county level where the proposed place is located.
Article 10 A religious group applying for preparation for the establishment of a place of religious activity shall put forward a proposal for the formation of a preparatory organization. The preparatory organization shall be composed of the relevant personnel of the religious group, the religious personnel who are to preside over the religious activities, or other personnel in accordance with the rules and regulations of the national religious group of the religion, and the representatives of the believing citizens in the place to be established.
Article 11 An application for preparation for the establishment of a place of religious activity shall be made by filling out the Application Form for Preparation for the Establishment of a Place of Religious Activity and submitting the following materials at the same time:
(i) A certain number of religious citizens in the proposed place of establishment have the need to regularly conduct collective religious activities;
(ii) The basic information of the religious clergy person who is to preside over the religious activities or other persons in accordance with the rules and regulations of the national religious group of the religion, as well as the household register, the resident’s identity card and the certificate of the religious clergy person;
(iii) The basic information, household register and resident’s identity card of the members of the preparatory organization to be set up (in the case of religious clergy, the certificate of religious clergy shall also be provided);
(iv) A description of the capital budget and the source of funds;
(v) the proposed location and the feasibility of the proposed establishment of the place description, as well as its architectural style based on drawings.
Article 12 The county-level religious affairs department shall, within thirty working days from the date of receipt of the application, put forward an opinion on the examination and approval, and report it to the municipal-level religious affairs department of the district.
The municipal religious affairs department shall, within thirty working days from the date of receipt of the materials submitted by the county-level religious affairs department, make a decision on whether to approve or disapprove the application for the establishment of a fixed place for religious activities, and if a decision is made to approve it, it shall be reported to the provincial religious affairs department for the record; and if an application is made for the establishment of a temple or a church, put forward an opinion on the examination and approval of the religious affairs department at the provincial level.
Provincial departments of religious affairs shall, within thirty working days from the date of receipt of the materials submitted by the municipal departments of religious affairs, make a decision of approval or disapproval.
The municipal religious affairs department and the provincial religious affairs department shall carry out on-site verification before making a decision, and may hold a hearing if necessary.
Proposed establishment of places of religious activity involving immovable cultural relics shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations on the protection of cultural relics.
Where the proposed establishment of a place of religious activity is within the scope of a nature reserve, it shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations on nature reserves.
Religious activities of the establishment of the application for approval before the formal establishment of the preparatory organization for the establishment of the religious activities of the preparatory matters.
Article 13 The preparations for the establishment of a place of religious activity shall be completed within the approved period of preparation for the establishment. The period of preparation for establishment shall generally not exceed five years. The preparatory organization shall promptly report the preparatory situation to the religious affairs department at the county level of the place of establishment.
The local religious affairs department at or above the county level of the place of establishment shall supervise and inspect the progress of the preparations for establishment. If the preparations for the establishment of a place of religious activity are not completed within the approved time limit, an appropriate extension may be granted by the approving authority for the preparations for the establishment of the place of religious activity, but the maximum period shall not exceed two years. If the preparations for establishment still cannot be completed within the extended period, the authorization for the preparations for establishment shall lapse. The religious organization that has filed the application for preparatory establishment shall then implement the necessary aftermath measures.
Article 14 Before a place of religious activity is registered, the preparatory organization shall be responsible for it, and under the guidance of the local religious group, the management organization of the place shall be established by democratic consultation.
Article 15 After a place of religious activity is approved for preparation and construction is completed, the management organization of the place shall apply for registration to the county-level religious affairs department (hereinafter referred to as the registration authority) of the location.
To apply for registration of a place of religious activity, it shall fill in the Application Form for Registration of Places of Religious Activity and submit the following materials at the same time:
(i) A description of the circumstances under which the management organization was established by democratic consultation;
(ii) The household registers and resident’s identity cards of the members of the management organization;
(iii) The household register, resident’s identity card and certificate of religious personnel of the religious clergy presiding over the religious activities or of other persons in compliance with the rules and regulations of the national religious group of the religion;
(iv) Texts of rules and regulations on personnel, finance, assets, accounting, archives, public security, fire protection, cultural relics protection, and health and epidemic prevention;
(v) The relevant materials on premises, houses and other buildings (if it is a construction project, provide the completion of the project acceptance, fire inspection and acceptance of materials, planning, land verification materials, document that applications have been filed for land and housing real estate registration, provide the land and housing real estate rights certificates; if it is a rental, prove that the right to use the house and security materials has been granted for more than one year);
(vi) A description of the situation of legitimate economic sources.
Article 16 Places of religious activity shall not be named after churches, sects, or persons.
Article 17 The registration authority shall, within thirty working days from the date of receipt of the application, examine and approve the name, management organization, rules, and regulations of the place of religious activity, and if it meets the conditions, it shall be registered and issued with a Certificate of Registration of Places of Religious Activity. A place of religious activity may not conduct religious activities until it has obtained a Certificate of Registration of Place of Religious Activity.
The Certificate of Registration of Places of Religious Activity and the relevant application forms are printed by the religious affairs departments of each province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government, in accordance with the model formulated by the State Administration for Religious Affairs.
The Certificate of Registration of Places of Religious Activities may not be altered, transferred, or lent. If the certificate is lost, they shall promptly apply to the registration authority for a replacement.
Article 18 If a place of religious activity meets the conditions of a legal person, it may register as a legal person with the civil affairs department after the consent of the religious organization in which it is located and the examination and consent of the religious affairs department at the county level.
Religious activities for the registration of legal persons, its relevant registration and management should comply with the relevant provisions of the State.
Article 19 If a place of religious activity changes its name, address, person in charge, etc., it shall go to the original registration authority to apply for the corresponding change of registration procedures.
If other fixed places for religious activities need to be changed into monasteries and churches, this shall be in accordance with the approval procedures for monasteries and churches as stipulated in Article 12 of these Measures, and they shall apply for registration of changes in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Article 20 Places of religious activity shall apply for deregistration at the original registration authority in one of the following cases:
(i) When the “places of religious activity registration certificate” issued by the civil affairs department or the “places of religious activities of legal persons registration certificate” have been revoked according to the law;
(ii) Unable to maintain normal operation;
(iii) Not carrying out religious activities for more than two years without a valid reason;
(iv) Self-dissolution or termination due to other reasons.
Article 21 When a place of religious activity applies for deregistration, the original registration authority shall direct the place to set up a liquidation organization and complete the liquidation work. During the liquidation period, activities other than liquidation shall not be carried out, and the remaining property after liquidation shall be used for a cause consistent with its purpose.
Article 22 A place of religious activity shall, within fifteen days from the date of completion of the liquidation, apply to the original registration authority for deregistration. The original registration authority shall take back the “places of religious activities registration card”, and report to the provincial religious affairs department for the record.
Article 23 If a place of religious activity does not apply for deregistration in accordance with the provisions of these Measures, and does not inform the original registration and management organs, when after fifteen days the situation will still not be in accordance with the law, then the original registration and management organs shall coordinate with the local religious groups to set up a liquidation organization to complete the liquidation, and the place of religious activity shall be deregistered according to law.
Chapter III Management Organization
Article 24 The management organization of a place of religious activity shall be formed through democratic consultation, and shall be composed of religious clergy, representatives of local religious citizens and other relevant persons.
The management organization shall consist of at least three members, with one person in charge.
The election, dismissal, and replacement of members of the management organization of places of religious activity shall be reported to the registration authority for the record after consulting the local religious groups.
Article 25 The term of office of members of the management organization of places of religious activity shall not exceed five years, and they may be reappointed for a second term. In this case, the term of office shall be renewed under the guidance of the local religious group. In special circumstances, with the consent of the local religious organizations and reporting it to the registration authority for the record, the term of office may be advanced or postponed, but the extension of the term of office shall not exceed one year at the most.
Article 26 The person in charge of the management organization of a place of religious activity shall not be the person in charge of the management organization of other places of religious activity at the same time. If necessary, he or she may also serve as the head of the management organization of a place of religious activity.
The person in charge of the management organization of a place of religious activity shall be appointed concurrently with the consent of the religious organization where the proposed place of religious activity is located, and the place shall report the concurrent appointment to the religious affairs department of the county where it is located, and the religious affairs department of the county shall report to the religious affairs department of the provincial level at a certain level for the record. Across provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the religious affairs department at the provincial level where the proposed place of worship is located shall also seek the opinion of the religious affairs department at the provincial level where the candidate is currently serving.
Article 27 Members of the management organization of places of religious activity shall have the following basic conditions:
(i) Love the motherland and support the leadership of the CCP and the socialist system;
(ii) Abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, rules and regulations and the relevant provisions of the management of religious affairs;
(iii) Comply with the rules and regulations formulated by the religious group of the religion and the place where the religion is practiced;
(iv) Possess a certain degree of religious knowledge and organizational and management ability;
(v) Be fully capable of civil behaviour;
(vi) Have a proper style of work, be decent and fair, and have a strong sense of responsibility.
Members of the management organization of a place of religious activity shall be mainland residents of Chinese nationality, and generally shall not be more than seventy years old at the time of their election.
Members of a management organization who are related to each other as husband and wife, blood relatives in the direct line, blood relatives within three generations, close relatives by marriage, or adoption, shall be recused.
Article 28 A place of religious activity shall establish a system for evaluating members of the management organization, and shall promptly adjust those members who are incompetent or who fail to perform their duties in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Article 29 Places of worship management organization members shall be promptly removed if one of the following circumstances occurs:
(i) endangering national security and public safety, promoting, supporting or financing religious extremism, undermining national unity, splitting the country, carrying out terrorist activities or participating in related activities;
(ii) Interfering with administrative, judicial, educational, and social life, and violating public order and morals;
(iii) Undermining the harmony between different religions as well as within one’s own religion;
(iv) Being dominated by forces outside the country, accepting unauthorized appointments to teaching posts in religious groups or institutions outside the country, or otherwise violating the principle of independence and autonomy of religions;
(v) Accepting donations from inside or outside the country in violation of the relevant state regulations;
(vi) Participating in illegal religious organizations, engaging in illegal religious activities, or facilitating illegal religious activities;
(vii) Organizing or hosting unauthorized religious activities held outside the place of religious activity;
(viii) Failing to comply with the rules and regulations established by the religious group of the religion;
(ix) Failing to comply with the orders of supervisory and management authorities in accordance with the law;
(x) Other violations of laws, regulations, and rules.
If a member of a management organization is in any of the situations listed in the preceding paragraph, but the place of worship fails to remove him or her in a timely manner, the religious affairs department shall order the place of worship to remove him or her immediately.
Article 30 The management organization of a place of religious activity shall perform the following duties:
(i) To unite and educate religious citizens to love the motherland, support the leadership of the CCP, practice socialist core values, adhere to the direction of the Sinicization of China’s religions, and abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, rules and regulations and the relevant provisions of the management of religious affairs;
(ii) To implement the rules and regulations formulated by the religious groups of their religion;
(iii) To establish and improve the management systems for personnel, finances, assets, accounting, archives, public security, fire protection, cultural relics protection, food safety and hygiene and epidemic prevention of this place and organize their implementation;
(iv) Organize religious activities, deal with daily affairs, and maintain the normal order of the place;
(v) Managing the religious clergy and other personnel of the place;
(vi) Managing and utilizing the property of the place in accordance with laws and relevant state regulations;
(vii) Coordinating the relations between this place and other aspects of society, and safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of this place and its personnel;
(viii) Other duties prescribed by laws, regulations, and rules.
Article 31 The management organization of a place of religious activity shall convene a meeting to collectively discuss and decide on major matters involving the appointment and dismissal of religious personnel, the holding of large-scale religious activities, the establishment of a legal entity, major economic decisions, large expenditures, the disposal of fixed and intangible assets, the construction of the place, and foreign exchanges, and shall report the minutes of the meeting in a timely manner to the registration and management authorities for the record.
Management organization meetings can be held only if more than two-thirds of the members of the management organization are present, and their resolutions are valid only if they are adopted by more than two-thirds of all members of the management organization.
Chapter IV Personnel Management
Article 32 Places of religious activity shall establish and improve the personnel management system, regulate the religious activities of the personnel, social activities, external exchanges, etc., to strengthen the management of the personnel of the place, and to criticize and educate the offending personnel, who should be corrected and receive appropriate punishment.
Article 33 Places of religious activity who receive permanent or temporary residence of personnel should strictly check and verify their identity, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the location of the timely declaration for registration of household registration or residence registration.
Places of religious activity shall determine the number of religious personnel in accordance with the capacity and economic ability of the place, and report to the registration authority for the record.
Article 34 Places of worship shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Religious Personnel, handle the formalities for the record of the appointment or cancellation of religious personnel who have assumed or left the main teaching posts in the place.
Article 35 Places of religious activity shall establish the place of permanent personnel files, which should include the appointment, change, punishment or dismissal of religious personnel and other relevant information, and submit them within thirty days to the local religious groups and registration authorities for the record.
Article 36 Places of religious activity shall establish a study system, and regularly organize the personnel of the place to study the guidelines and policies of the CCP, national laws and regulations, Chinese excellent traditional culture, religious knowledge, and so on.
Article 37 Places of religious activity shall encourage and support their personnel to participate in the education and training organized by religious groups, religious colleges, and universities, as well as relevant government departments.
Chapter V Management of Religious Activities
Article 38 Religious activities organized and held in places of religious activity shall generally be carried out in the premises, by religious personnel or other persons in accordance with the rules and regulations of the national religious groups of the religion presided over, in accordance with the teachings and regulations.
Article 39 Religious activities shall be conducted in places of religious activity in compliance with national laws, rules and regulations, and the content of sermons and teachings shall be suitable for the characteristics of China’s national conditions and the characteristics of the times, and shall be integrated with the excellent traditional Chinese culture and reflect the core socialist values.
Article 40 Places of religious activity shall, in the course of religious activities, strengthen the publicity and education of the sense of community of the Chinese nation, strengthen the use of the commonly used languages and scripts of the state, promote national unity and progress, guide religious citizens to enhance national consciousness, civic awareness, awareness of the rule of law, correctly distinguish between national customs and religious beliefs, and shall not use religion to interfere in the administration, judiciary, education and social life.
Article 41 Religious activities shall be organized and held in places of religious activity, and shall adhere to the principles of appropriate scale, economy, safety, and order, and shall not affect the social order, order of production and order of life.
Temples and churches that organize large-scale religious activities should do so in accordance with the “Regulations on Religious Affairs” and other relevant provisions for approval procedures.
Article 42 Places of religious activity shall not organize or hold religious activities outside their premises without authorization.
Article 43 Places of religious activity that organize and hold religious activities for the purpose of public welfare and charity shall report them to the local religious groups and registration authorities for the record.
Article 44 Monasteries and churches shall carry out religious education and training to train religious personnel and study for more than three months in accordance with the Regulations on Religious Affairs and other relevant provisions, and shall not change the instructors, teaching content, enrolment scope, training time, etc. without authorization.
Article 45 Places of religious activity shall regulate the setting up and placing of displays, guide religious citizens to burn incense in a civilized manner, and carry out activities such as life release in accordance with the law.
Places of religious activity shall not charge unreasonable fees for providing religious services.
Article 46 Monasteries and churches shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Religious Affairs, the Regulations on the Administration of the Printing Industry, and the Measures for the Administration of Internal Information Publications in printing and distributing religious publications and religious articles.
Article 47 Places of religious activities engaged in Internet religious information services shall respect the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Internet Religious Information Services.
Chapter VI Construction Management
Article 48 The construction activities of places of religious activities shall conform to the relevant laws and regulations on territorial space planning and engineering construction, ecological environmental protection, cultural relics protection, fire protection, and nature reserves.
Article 49 New construction, alteration, expansion, reconstruction of places of religious activity or religious activities within the building (structures), should be in accordance with the “Regulations on Religious Affairs” and other relevant provisions on the approval of the religious affairs department, but also in accordance with the law to deal with land use, planning, construction, and other procedures.
The construction of places of religious activity shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved content, and shall not be built without approval or unauthorized changes in the approved planning program, by expanding the scale of construction or changing the architectural style.
Article 50 Places of religious activity should reflect a Chinese style and integrate Chinese culture in the architecture, sculpture, painting, decoration, and other visual aspects.
Article 51 The construction of places of religious activity shall adhere to the principles of safety and practicality, frugality and moderation, green and environmental protection, to prevent the waste of resources, increase the burden on the masses, and damage the ecological environment.
Article 52 The construction of places of religious activity shall not raise funds through illegal means, nor shall they be apportioned to believing citizens, nor shall they be borrowed beyond the ability to repay.
Article 53 Religious organizations and temples and churches intending to build large open-air religious statues within their temples and churches shall do so in accordance with the Regulations on Religious Affairs and other relevant provisions.
It is prohibited to build large open-air religious statues outside of temples and churches.
Article 54 The construction work of a place of religious activity shall be completed and approved in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State before it is put into use.
Religious activities that use land, buildings, and other real estate, shall apply for real estate registration according to the law.
Article 55 Any organization or individual contributing to the construction of a place of religious activity shall not enjoy the ownership or right of use of the place of religious activity, shall not receive economic benefits from the place, and shall not interfere in the internal affairs of the place.
It is prohibited to invest in or contract the operation of places of religious activity or large open-air religious statues.
Chapter VII Safety Management
Article 56 Places of religious activity shall establish and improve the safety management system, the implementation of the safety responsibility system, and regularly carry out safety education and security risk investigation, to ensure personal safety, property safety, and the safety of religious activities.
Article 57 The management organization of a place of religious activity shall be responsible for the safety management of the place, and the person in charge of the management organization shall be the first person responsible for the safety of the place.
Article 58 Places of religious activity shall set up a security management team, specific organization, and implementation of security work, to perform the following duties:
(i) Develop the safety management system, accident handling and emergency plan, and establish clear safety responsibilities;
(ii) According to the relevant national standards for the configuration of safety facilities, equipment, set up safety signs, and regularly organize inspection and maintenance, ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the inspection, and keep maintenance records on file for inspection;
(iii) Regularly organize safety education, safety training, and safety drills for the personnel and religious citizens of the place;
(iv) Regularly organize fire, food, health, construction, cultural relics and other safety inspections, timely investigation and elimination of potential safety hazards, the establishment of security files;
(v) Carry out security work and maintain the normal order of the premises;
(vi) Prohibit illegal religious activities and xie jiao activities, resist religious extremist ideas, and prevent foreign forces from using religion for infiltration.
If a major accident or violation of religious prohibitions occurs in a place of religious activity that hurts the religious feelings of believing citizens, undermines national unity, or affects social stability, the place of religious activity shall immediately activate the emergency plan, report to the registration authority, and cooperate with the relevant authorities.
Article 59 Monasteries and churches hosting large-scale religious activities shall fulfil the following safety management duties:
(i) Formulate safety and security programs and emergency plans for emergencies and organize drills;
(ii) Guarantee the safety of temporarily erected facilities and buildings (structures);
(iii) Comprehensively investigate and rectify potential safety hazards inside and outside the premises, ensure that evacuation routes, safety exits, evacuation signs, emergency lighting and fire escapes comply with fire-fighting technical standards and management regulations, and keep fire-fighting facilities and fire-fighting equipment fully configured, in good condition and effective;
(iv) Equip security personnel and evacuation guides and other relevant staff that are appropriate to the safety needs of religious activities;
(v) Carry out the necessary safety education and training;
(vi) Ensure that the site of religious activities is safe and orderly;
(vii) Other security duties stipulated by laws, regulations, and rules.
Article 60 Places of religious activities shall establish and improve the fire safety management system, strengthen the management of open flames, lamps, paper burning, incense burning, and other sources of ignition, strengthen the safety of electricity, standardize the laying of electrical wiring, strictly manage all kinds of flammable and explosive substances, prohibit the use of flammable and combustible core materials to build temporary facilities or buildings (structures). When they use gas in canteen, accommodation, and other areas, they should take safe and effective protective measures.
Article 61 Places of religious activity shall establish food safety and hygiene and epidemic prevention system, and implement the provisions of the system. They shall promptly report the occurrence of major food safety incidents and epidemics to the management of religious affairs, food supervision, health management and other departments or township people’s government, and comply with the relevant provisions.
Article 62 Places of religious activity shall strengthen the daily maintenance of buildings (structures), safety inspections, and timely elimination of potential safety hazards.
Places of religious activity shall not change the function and use of buildings (structures) without authorization.
Article 63 Places of religious activity shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations on the protection of cultural relics, register, manage and protect cultural relics located in or managed by the place, and prevent the destruction or loss of cultural relics.
The department of religious affairs shall coordinate with the relevant departments to guarantee the funds for the protection of cultural relics in places of religious activities.
Chapter VIII Supervision and Management
Article 64 Places of religious activity shall strengthen internal management, establish, and improve the management system in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, regulations, and rules, and accept the guidance, supervision, and inspection of the relevant local departments.
Article 65 Places of religious activity shall set up supervisors (three or more supervisors can form a supervisory board), responsible for the management organization of the place and its members to comply with the laws, regulations, rules, and regulations of the religion to which it belongs to the religious group, the rules and regulations formulated by the supervisory board and so on. When the management organization of a place of religious activity holds a meeting, the supervisors (or the members of the board of supervisors) shall be present.
Supervisors are elected by the local religious groups, representatives of religious citizens, and the registration and management authorities, and their terms of office are the same as those of the members of the management organization; and they may be reappointed at the end of their terms of office. Members of the management organization, their close relatives and financial personnel shall not serve as supervisors.
Article 66 The department of religious affairs shall supervise and inspect places of religious activity in terms of their compliance with laws, regulations and rules, the establishment and implementation of a management system for the place, changes in registration items, the handling of record-keeping formalities, as well as religious activities and foreign-related activities.
The department of religious affairs shall guide the people’s government at the township level, as well as the villagers’ committees and residents’ committees, in fulfilling their corresponding duties in the management of places of religious activity.
Article 67 The national religious groups shall, in accordance with the Constitution, laws, regulations, rules, and policies, as well as the practical needs of the work, formulate within the scope of their activity the rules and regulations of their religion’s places of religious activities, the rules on the supervision of the members of the management organization of the place and their terms of office, the religious clergy, the main faculty, religious activities, financial and asset management, etc., by making specific provisions.
Religious organizations shall guide places of religious activity to establish, improve, and implement internal management systems, and urge places of religious activity with internal management problems to carry out rectification.
Article 68 Places of religious activity shall be subject to the guidance of religious groups and the supervision of religious citizens.
Article 69 The religious affairs departments and religious groups that receive report on places of religious activities that are in violation of laws, regulations, rules, or rules and regulations of religious groups, shall investigate and verify, and deal with them in accordance with the law.
Chapter IX Legal Liability
Article 70 Any public official who abuses his or her power, neglects his or her duties, or engages in malpractice for personal gain in the management of a place of religious activity shall be punished according to law; if a crime is suspected, he or she shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
Article 71 If a place of religious activity violates the provisions of these Measures, it shall be punished by the registration authority or the relevant department in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Religious Affairs or relevant laws and regulations.
If a place of religious activity is established without authorization, it shall be punished by the department of religious affairs in conjunction with the relevant departments in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Religious Affairs or relevant laws and regulations.
Article 72 Any member of the management organization of a place of religious activity who violates the provisions of these Measures shall be ordered by the registration authority to make corrections; if the circumstances are serious, the place shall be ordered to be closed, and if he or she is a member of the religious clergy, he or she shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Religious Affairs; and if he or she is guilty of a criminal offence, he or she shall be held criminally liable in accordance with the law.
Chapter X Final Provisions
Article 73 The location of the religious organizations referred to in these measures refers to the county (city, district, banner) where the place of religious activities is located.
If the counties (cities, districts, banners) do not have representatives of the relevant religious groups, the corresponding duties provided for in these Measures shall be performed by the cities (prefectures, alliances) of the region, where representatives of the religious groups are located.
Where there is no relevant religious organization in the cities (prefectures or alliances) that have set up districts, the corresponding duties shall be performed by the religious organizations in the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government.
If a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the central government does not have a relevant religious group, the corresponding duties shall be performed by the national religious group.
Article 74 The financial management of places of religious activity shall be carried out in accordance with the Measures for Financial Management of Places of Religious Activity.
Article 75 These Measures shall be interpreted by the State Administration for Religious Affairs.
Article 76 These Measures shall come into force on September 1, 2023, and the Measures for the Approval and Registration of Places of Religious Activities published by the State Administration for Religious Affairs in 2005 shall be repealed at the same time.