Bishop of New York to step down ahead of schedule


July 6, 2023

My brothers and sisters:

In my address to the 245th Convention of the Diocese of New York, given almost two years ago in November 2021, I informed you of my decision to retire: an announcement which commenced an ordered process of nominating and electing the individual who would become the XVIIth Bishop of New York. On May 10, 2023, with thousands gathered for the celebration in our beloved Cathedral, the Rt. Rev. Matthew F. Heyd was consecrated Bishop Co-Adjutor. It was the beginning of a new episcopate and another step for me as I continued toward the ending of my own.

Though my original plan was to leave after Easter Day, 2024, in recent weeks I have become convinced that the Holy Spirit, which has with great steadfastness governed this process from its beginning, is now leading me to leave sooner. With Margaret’s full consent, I have decided that my last official diocesan service with be the celebration of the Nativity of our Lord on Christmas Eve. In December, we shall begin the arduous task of moving from Ogilvie House to our new home in New Hampshire. After a Christmas pilgrimage to the Holy Land, leaving on Boxing Day and returning on Epiphany, I shall spend the remainder of January and until February 10th exiting my office, concluding any remaining tasks to which I am beholden, and finishing our move. On February 10th, Bishop Heyd will officially be instituted as the Diocesan Bishop.

The words I said to you in 2021, “I could never have imagined – I didn’t know – how deeply I would fall in love with these our churches, and the clergy and laypersons who lead them, and the people who fill their pews” are even truer now than then. Margaret and I have loved our lives among you. In more ways that we can ever express, you have caused our hearts to sing. We leave with full hearts and the commitment to pray always for you, the people of this diocese, its bishops, and clergy.

Faithfully yours,

The Rt. Rev. Andrew M.L. Dietsche