Charlie Holt

Dear Diocese of Florida family,

We are pleased that we were able to successfully host an election this Saturday in accordance with our Canons and name a Bishop Coadjutor Elect through the voice of our clergy and lay delegates. We congratulate the Rev. Charlie Holt for being selected as our Bishop Coadjutor Elect.

We also thank each delegate for investing their time and resources to attend the election and respect all of their differing perspectives and opinions. We hope the guidance from Mr. Tim Wynn, our independent parliamentarian, and The Very Rev. Timothy Kimbrough, Professor of Canon Law at Duke University, among others, provided you with the clarity and confidence it gave us in our procedural processes.

Both have verified the election’s procedural validity, per our Canons and Robert’s Rules of Order.

Quorum was achieved prior to voting. As the Rev. Joe Gibbes described prior to voting (per Robert’s Rules of Order), the “Needed to Elect” number is the majority of votes cast in each order, and is not determined by how many individuals are in attendance.

This document also includes the final count of clergy and lay delegates who attended the electing convention, thus ensuring the Diocese achieved a quorum.

Following his election, the Rev. Charlie Holt has prepared a letter to the Diocese. 


Thank you all for your participation throughout this entire process and election. We hope Saturday was a key step in our Diocese healing and moving forward in unity.

For the Glory of God alone,

The Episcopal Diocese of Florida