
Florida Standing Committee statement on the Court of Review’s decision on the special convention to elect a bishop

Beloved in Christ,

As you are no doubt aware, the Court of Review of the Episcopal Church studied the formal objection that was filed following the Special Electing Convention, and the response of the Standing Committee and Chancellor. 

Their findings, which were released to the Diocese and to the signers of the objection on Monday, August 15, are available here.

The Court of Review concurred with the objections on most counts. We respect their hard work and faithful efforts, and take their analysis very seriously. 

The Standing Committee is meeting and praying, as there are many factors to weigh and consider. You can expect to hear from us and/or Bishop Howard within the next couple of days regarding the path forward.

Until then, please do keep Bishop Howard, Fr. Charlie Holt and his family, your diocesan leadership, and the whole Diocese of Florida in your earnest prayers. 

In Christ Alone,

Your Standing Committee

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