The synod of the Episcopal Diocese in Jerusalem has approved the commissioning of women vocational deacons. Meeting 15-16 June 2022 in Amman Jordan synod approved a recommendation put forward by the Patronage and Service Committee’s “ to perform the needed studies, and arrangements to establish permanent deacons, for both men and women, in the near future.”
Vocational deacons will be “commisioned”, not “ordained”, the Most Rev. Hosam Naoum, the Archbishop in Jerusalem, said. However, transitional deacons in the diocese will be “ordained”. The commissioning of women vocational deacons is the first step towards adding women to the ranks of the clergy. However, it is not clear whether commissioned deacons will be considered members of the clergy, or members of a separate order.
The report of proceedings noted Archbishop Naoum offered a lecture on Leadership and Governance, followed by three breakout sessions for the clergy, vestry members, and heads of church institutions. The synod approved adding two youth representatives as ex officio members of synod, and elected new members of the standing and finance committees.
The synod sent its “greetings to His Majesty King Abdullah II, to the Jordanian Government, and to the hospitable people of Jordan. His Grace also thanked the Synod’s Secretary, members of the Joint Committee, the Advisors, the Clergy, the Heads of Institutions, the Pastorate Committee representatives, the Diocese Offices staff in Jorda, Lebanon, and Jerusalem, the Worship Committee, and all who helped in the preparations for the Synod,” the diocesan report noted.