Seven churches destroyed by Cyclone Ana in Mozambique

Church destroyed by Cyclone Ana

Tropical cyclone Ana has left Mozambique with significant damage including seven destroyed churches in the Anglican Diocese of Zambezia. On 24 January 2022 Ana made landfall in the Angoche district, Nampula province, and flooded the provinces of Zambezia, Nampula and Tete.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports in Mozambique 21 people were killed and 210 injured in the storm, while 126,198 people were displaced by flood waters.  It has also damaged 30 health centers, 23 water supply systems, and 144 power poles, according to the latest data released by INGD.

Christine Beasley, CARE Country Director in Mozambique reported: “The heavy rains and wind have caused quite a bit of localized destruction in central Mozambique over the past few days, and we are expecting more rain to pass through as well as watching for the possibility of rivers overflowing due to heavy rains upstream neighboring countries. In Nampula and Zambezia, there has been the destruction of some roads as well as the total destruction of houses, government buildings, classrooms, and health facilities. Some small bridges have been washed away, leaving some areas inaccessible. We are watching to see how this expected downpour will impact the region. CARE is monitoring the situation and participating in rapid needs assessments together with the UN agencies and other partners.”

The Angola London Mozambique Association reported seven churches were destroyed in the diocese of Zambezia: four out stations of Morrumbala parish, a Milange outstation, Mambucha, and a Mongue outstation.