CPAS General Director to become Director of Strategy and Operations of the CEEC


The CPAS Chair of Trustees, the Right Reverend Mark Tanner, announced today that The Rev Canon John Dunnett, CPAS General Director is moving on to a new role as Director of Strategy and Operations at the Church of England Evangelical Council, in February 2022.

Bishop Mark said: ‘On behalf of the Trustees, staff and the many friends and supporters of CPAS, I am pleased to express our profound thankfulness to God for the very significant ministry John has exercised over the last 15 years as General Director. His, energy, leadership, and the encouragement he’s given to so many people have been great gifts, not just within CPAS and its Patronage churches and other constituencies, but also to the wider Church. 

‘John was appointed as General Director in 2006 and leaves CPAS in a strong and healthy situation, committed to seeing every church as a pathway to faith, every leader a catalyst for evangelism, every Christian a courageous witness, and to give every child the chance to explore Jesus. As he moves on, we pray the Lord’s richest blessing on him as he moves to his new role and wish him and his family well.’

John Dunnett said: ‘It has been both a privilege and a joy to serve the ministry of CPAS over these last 15 years. The vocation of CPAS to support local churches in sharing the good news of Jesus with men, women and children is one that I remain passionate about. I thank God for the trustees, staff and volunteers alongside whom I have worked and I am sure that he will continue to guide and provide for this invaluable ministry as he has since 1836.’

The Trustees will be appointing an Acting General Director in the next few days to lead CPAS once John leaves the Society.

They have also begun to make plans for appointing a successor and expect to announce details of the process early in 2022. They would like to encourage all CPAS’ many friends and supporters to pray for the Lord’s wisdom, guidance and provision in all that lies ahead and particularly for:

  • The appointment process for a new General Director.
  • His provision for the exciting work to which CPAS is called in the 2020s in leadership, patronage and Venture and Falcon holidays in support of local church evangelism.