Online meeting of International Commission for Anglican–Orthodox Theological Dialogue (ICAOTD)


The annual plenary meeting of the International Commission for the Anglican–Orthodox Theological Dialogue (ICAOTD) due to take place in Greece in October 2020 was cancelled because of Covid restrictions. Instead, the commission gathered for a video conference on Monday, October 19, 2020.

The Co-Chairs of the Dialogue are Metropolitan Athenagoras of Belgium (Ecumenical Patriarchate) and Dr Richard Clarke, retired Archbishop of Armagh (Anglican Communion).

During the meeting, the members of the Commission brought news from their Churches and requests for prayer. The Commission also heard news that their agreed statement on ecology, Stewards of Creation: A Hope-Filled Ecology, had been published on 19 October 2020. An update was received on the drafting of a statement on ethical issues surrounding the end of life.

The Commission joined together in prayer and continue to pray with hope for the Church and the World in difficult times. Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul. (Acts 4.32)

The Commission will reconvene in Greece between 18 and 25 October 2021.