Marriage According to the Book of Common Prayer

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Throughout the month of September, “Lift Up Hearts, Gafcon!” will offer a series of devotions on the subject of “Marriage According to the Book of Common Prayer” by the Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll, Professor Emeritus at Trinity School for Ministry and former Vice Chancellor of Uganda Christian University. Dr. Noll serves as Consultant on Marriage, Family and the Single Life for the Anglican Church in North America.

The topics for each week (31 August – 2 October) are: Biblical Foundations of Marriage, Purposes of Marriage, Stages of Marriage, and Outside Marriage (the single life). In the final week, Dr. Noll is offering a supplement on Angels, in honor of the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels on September 29. The main theme of the devotions is marriage and the single life as particular vocations of following Jesus.

Simply go to the Gafcon website and register, and the daily devotions will come to your email.