Statement from Forward in Faith UK on the consecration of a traditionalist bishop of Lewes


We express our gratitude to the Archbishop of Canterbury for making arrangements (1) for Prebendary Will Hazlewood’s consecration to the episcopate at Lambeth Palace Chapel on 15 July which give full expression to the Five Guiding Principles, as enshrined in the House of Bishops’ Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests (2).

For slightly over twenty-five years, in the period since the admission of women into the priesthood by the Church of England, provision has been made for traditional Catholic candidates for the priesthood to be ordained by bishops with whom they are in full sacramental communion.

It is fitting that this well-established practice is being adopted as the norm for the consecration of traditional Catholic bishops, now that women have been admitted into the episcopate by the Church of England.

At the moment of consecration all candidates must experience the sacramental assurance and joy of full communion with the bishops who ordain them. In that spirit, we offer our prayers for the ministries of Ruth Bushyager and Hugh Nelson, whose consecrations will take place in Lambeth Palace Chapel earlier in the day on 15 July (3).

(1) The Bishop of Richborough will act as the Archbishop’s delegate as chief consecrator, and the Bishops of Ebbsfleet and of Fulham will act as co-consecrators. All three bishops serve on The Society’s Council of Bishops, as will the Bishop of Lewes.

(2) The Declaration was agreed on 19 May 2014 and is available via:

(3) Will Hazlewood is to be the Bishop of Lewes in the Diocese of Chichester, Ruth Bushyager is to be the Bishop of Horsham in the Diocese of Chichester and Hugh Nelson is to be the Bishop of St Germans in the Diocese of Truro.


We are delighted to learn that Fr Will’s consecration at Lambeth Palace Chapel is to be live streamed. Please use this link to follow the service, which starts at 2.30pm on Wednesday 15 July: