Nigerian primate urges caution after government relaxes COVID-19 lockdown


The Primate of All Nigeria, Anglican Communion, the Most Rev’d Henry C. Ndukuba has cautioned members against disregarding the necessary protocols on COVID-19 due to the relaxed lockdown.

This note of caution came as a result of the rising numbers of the COVID-19 spread in Nigeria even after the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari had announced that there would be a partial relaxation of the lockdown from Monday, 4th of May, 2020.

In a statement released by the General Secretary of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, the Ven. Dr Gershinen Paul Dajur, the Primate enjoined all Archbishops and Bishops to continue to sensitize their priests and members on the need to remain cautious and take personal responsibility to adhere to the necessary protocols on COVID-19; such as personal hygiene, washing of hands, physical distancing, wearing of face mask, and avoiding crowded places.

According to Primate Ndukuba, “We should all stay safe and stay alive. For prevention is better than cure.”

The Most Rev’d Henry Ndukuba assured the Church of his prayers and support during this pandemic; and further called on everyone to continue to prayerfully look up to God Almighty for His deliverance.