God’s providence in South Sudan — Letter from the Diocese of Wanyjok


[12 Jan 2020] Dear friends and partners, on date 20 December we shared with you that St Mark Parish in Mabok Tong was burn down by unknown person before the Christmas Day Celebration. Christians were very strong in their faith, they celebrated their Christmas under the Tree.

Today Bishop Joseph Mamer Manot, Canon Tito Athian Tong, Canon Anjelo Ngong Kuan, Canon William Aguer Aguer, Diocesan Administrative Secretary Ven James Dut Majok, Acting MU leader Elizabeth Abuk Akot, Anjelina Ahok Dut and Mary Ajak Gau visited St Mark Parish-Mabok Tong to encourage them and share the pain with them and do some fundraising in order to rebuild their Church.

To our joy, Christians were very courageous, their faith didn’t shake by this tragedy. Guess what happened! All Christians and friends managed to fundraise 2,37600 South Sudanese Pounds, 2 Chicken, 1 she goat, 1 Sack nuts, and already the parish had 19 sacks of sorghum, 1 bull. Parish Development Committee was formed who then separately contributed 50,000 SSP. The office of the bishop Contributed 30,500 South Sudanese Pounds.

We were overwhelmed for the generosity giving, 2 Corinthians 8:1-“And now brothers, we want to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonians churches. Out of the most trials, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability, entirely on their own, they urgently pledged with us for the privileges of sharing in this services to the saint”.

Continue praying for the Christians in Mabok Tong for this project to be achieved as they agreed to build their church with iron sheet not grass-thatch to avoid the second burn down by unknown persons.

My sincere joy and congratulations to our Christians for this great achievement, this is a reflection of the training received by World Vision International on Empower World View using the principle of Jesus in Matthew 14 :15-18 ff.

Jesus uses what the disciples had to feed 5,000 thousands .. and in Exodus 4:2-4 “Then the Lord said to him, what is that in your hand? A staff, he replied, the Lord said throw it on the ground and then Moses threw it on the ground and became a Snake, and he ran from it”..Then the Lord said to him reach out your hand and take it by the tail. So Moses reaches out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into A staff in his hand”…

Finally, Christians have forgiven a person who committed this barbaric act.