Foley Beach elected to second term as ACNA archbishop


Plano, TX – The College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America has re-elected the Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach to serve as its archbishop and primate for a second term.

According to the Church’s Constitution, an archbishop may serve up to two 5-year terms.In the Anglican Church in North America, the archbishop oversees bishops, dioceses, and parishes in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. He has certain responsibilities and duties beyond that of other bishops in the province but does not hold unilateral authority.

Beach was recently installed as the Chairman of the Global Anglican Future Conference (Gafcon). Gafcon is a global movement of orthodox Anglicans representing over 70% of the denomination’s active members.Archbishop Beach expressed his excitement in continuing in this role: “It’s truly a blessing to be chosen by this amazing group of godly bishops to serve the Church. I’m honored and humbled by the confidence that they have placed in me, and I’m excited to be a part of what God is doing through the Anglican Church in North America.

“As for the future, Beach says he is “committed to seeing this Church fulfill its mission to reach North America with the transforming love of Jesus Christ. We’ve seen such great growth over the last few years, with new congregations and members in the US, Canada, and Mexico. We are reaching people from all different walks of life and we need to continue doing that.

“To aid in doing so, the Province will gather at its 10th Anniversary Assembly this coming week to focus on discipleship. “Discipleship is so important to the mission of the Church. I’m excited that we will be focusing in on that this coming week,” Beach said.

The Rt. Rev. Charlie Masters, bishop of the Anglican Network in Canada commented, “I’m extremely grateful. Since the day he was first elected 5 years ago, it’s been very clear to me and everyone I know that this is God’s man to lead us as our primate. It’s a huge sacrifice of service he and his wife, Allison, have given and I’m extremely grateful and will be praying for him as he serves God in this role and I serve under his leadership.

“Likewise, the Most Rev. Ray Sutton, dean of the province, said, “Once again, we have seen the Holy Spirit create an overwhelming consensus in support of our archbishop. We thank God for him!”