CANA West leaves ACNA


Bishop Dobbs & CANA EAST Decision to leave Church of Nigeria/CANA
May 23, 2019

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bishop Julian Dobbs announced two days ago that the Diocese of CANA East has voted to leave CANA and the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) to become solely a Diocese in ACNA. One of the reasons being given is that the congregational make-up of their Diocese is predominantly Anglo-American, and it serves them better to be in the ACNA, which has such an identity. As most of you know, Bishop Dobbs is a personal friend of mine and I’m saddened to see him and his diocese withdraw from CANA and the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). However, I pray God’s blessing on them as they continue in their ministry and mission.

In her characteristic generosity the Anglican Church of Nigeria will release Bishop Dobbs, as well as CANA East and her clergy, to ACNA. The new name for the former Diocese of CANA East is now the Diocese of the Living Word. They are no longer part of CANA and the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and Bishop Julian Dobbs is no longer the Missionary Bishop of CANA. The Church of Nigeria will be appointing a new Missionary Bishop over CANA.

Our Anglican Diocese of the West will remain faithfully committed and connected to CANA and to the Anglican Church of Nigeria because they are founded on:

-A solid commitment to biblical orthodoxy and evangelism;
-The Reformed Anglican tradition;
-A global view of the world today and its growing racial diversity; and
-The Church’s connection to the historic Anglican Communion.

In summary, the Anglican Diocese of the West (CANA) is a Diocese of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). Through the Church of Nigeria we are fully members of the historic Anglican Communion. Our Diocese is a Christ-centered, biblically driven, multicultural Diocese that is proclaiming Christ to all people, cultures and nations. We are committed to the rich classic, historic, and genuinely Anglican tradition envisioned by the reformers. We are also committed to the primacy of Scripture in matters of faith and practice, especially regarding the truth of Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation, human sexuality, marriage, and Holy Orders.

As a diocese of the Church of Nigeria we will remain in ministry and mission partnership with ACNA through our communal relationship as members together of GAFCON.

Let me conclude with an important reminder, especially in these times:

Faithfulness, loyalty, respect, love, integrity, and truthfulness are critical in our relationships with the Lord and with one another as we let the Word of God rule in our hearts and actions.

May the Lord grant us the grace of a holy life filled with these fruits of the Spirit for his glory and for our blessing.

Warm regards,

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Felix Orji, OSB, ECCK
Anglican Diocese of the West
Church of Nigeria(Anglican Communion)
St. Francis Cathedral Church
470 Eagle Drive
El Paso, Texas, 79912