Bishop of Kuching elected deputy head of Association of Churches in Sarawak

Danald Jute

The Anglican Bishop of Kuching, the Rt. Rev. Danald Jute has been elected deputy head of the Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) at its 5th Biennial General Meeting held last month. Located on the northern coast of Borneo, Sarawak is Malaysia’s only Christian majority state.

On 23 March 2019 representatives of the Christian Churches in Sarawak gathered at the Christian Ecumenical Worship Centre and elected the following persons to serve for the coming year.


Archbishop Simon Poh (Roman Catholic Church)

Deputy Chairman

Bishop Danald Jute (Anglican)

Vice Chairman

Peter Wong (Roman Catholic Church)

Honorary Secretary

Elder Ambrose Linang (Seventh Day Adventist)

Honorary Treasurer:

Ronnie Hii Ru Wei (Methodist Church)

Committee members:

— Rev Dato Dr Justin Wan (BEM/SIB)

— Rev Dr Tie King Tai (Methodist)

— Rev Steward Damat Mambang (Methodist)

— Pastor Edmund Liah (Seventh Day Adventist)

— Major Francis Ng (Salvation Army)

— Asst Bishop Nelson Ugas (Anglican)

–Pastor Wong Yuk Soo (BEM Sarawak)

— Eldar Dr Harry Pudun (BEM Sarawak)

— Bernadine Sammy (Roman Catholic)

–Redit Robet (Anglican)

Chairpersons of the various ministries:

— Rev Jose Jol (Prison Ministry)

— Douglas Telajan (Christian Mission Schools)

— Dr Jenny Goh (Pro-Life Group)

— Yalau Buaye @ Alau (Women’s Ministry)

–Pr Ambrose Liap (Youth Ministry)