A Statement on the Election of Church of Nigeria Bishops for the Diocese of the Trinity


As was reported last week, the Bishops of the Church of Nigeria have elected four bishops for the Anglican Diocese of the Trinity to minister in North America.

These elections did not follow the Protocol between the Anglican Church in North America and the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), and was not made in consultation with the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America. The bishops-elect still have to go through the Church of Nigeria’s credentialing process. It is not intended that they will be a part of the Anglican Church in North America’s College of Bishops.

Conversations between Archbishop Beach and Archbishop Okoh are ongoing as they seek a way forward that honors Christ and his Church, and builds up the Gafcon movement.

Bishop Dobbs and Bishop Orji commented on the situation, “This does not directly affect the mission and ministry of the other CANA dioceses. While we are disappointed by the way this election process has unfolded, this is not a situation that affects our local parishes and their commitment to making disciples and followers of Jesus.”