We believe the reconcilliation process begins now …
We deeply thank the Hearing Panel for its diligent hard work to get to the truth, administer fair justice and foster reconciliation.
The Hearing Panel’s final recommendation points the way forward for the Diocese of Los Angeles and its leadership:
[T]he Hearing Panel is convinced that the Diocese of Los Angeles, particularly its Standing Committee with the supportive leadership of its newly ordained Coadjutor, must consciously choose to take part in a process of self-examination and truth telling around these unfortunate and tragic events.
Otherwise, justice, healing, restitution and reconciliation, the hallmarks of Canon IV.1, will not be possible in the long run in the Diocese of Los Angeles …
After hearing this entire unfortunate case and after prayerful deliberation the Hearing Panel reaches a definite and clear conclusion: The Hearing Panel strongly recommends to the Diocese of Los Angeles that as a matter of justice it immediately suspend its efforts to sell the St. James property, that it restore the congregation and vicar to the church building and that it reassign St. James the Great appropriate mission status.
(Boldface in original)
We believe the reconciliation process begins now, and we look forward to a time – in the near future, we hope and believe – when we are back in our holy church and the Diocese of Los Angeles is once again a strong, united and joyful community in Christ, dedicated to spreading God’s word and doing His work on earth.