
Jefferts Schori to return to active ministry

Elected assisting bishop of San Diego

To All the Faithful of Our Diocese:

We are excited to announce the selection of the Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori as our assisting bishop. Bishop Jefferts Schori will begin her tenure with us on August 13. She will serve three-quarters time performing episcopal functions such as visitations, confirmations, ordinations, and receptions. She will share with the standing committee the task of providing leadership and vision for the diocese and shall generally perform the functions of a diocesan bishop as delegated to her by the standing committee in its capacity as the ecclesiastical authority during the transition. She will work closely with the executive council as well.

Bishop Jefferts Schori served as the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church from 2006 until 2015. Prior to her role as primate, she was the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Nevada. She earned a biology degree from Stanford in 1974, followed by a master’s in oceanography in 1977, and a doctorate, also in oceanography in 1983 from Oregon State University. In 1994 she earned a master’s in divinity from Church Divinity School of the Pacific. She is married to Richard Schori, a retired topology professor. Their daughter, Katharine, served ten years in the US Air Force; she separated as a major. Bishop Jefferts Schori is an instrument-rated pilot and is fluent in Spanish.

We thank you for your continued prayers as we move forward with this transition.


The Standing Committee

The Rev. Dr. Simon Mainwaring, President
Mr. Jim Stiven, President-Designate
The Rev. Gwynn Lynch, Secretary
Brother John Charles Westaway
The Rev. Kathleen Kelly
Ms. Helen Astleford
The Rev. Laura Sheridan-Campbell
Mr. Jose “Joe” Gamboa

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