
Jutland commemorations at the grave of Jack Cornwell VC

AB Alex Saridis visited the grave of Jack Cornwell VC, his great great uncle, hero of the Battle Jutland at Manor Park Cemetery

Today, 25th May, AB Alex Saridis (23) visited the grave of Jack Cornwell VC (John Travis Cornwell) at Manor Park Cemetery. Alex is a descendant of Cornwell, his great great nephew.

John Travers Cornwell VC (8 January 1900 – 2 June 1916), commonly known as Jack Cornwell or as Boy Cornwell, is remembered for his gallantry at the Battle of Jutland. Having died at the age of only 16, he was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. Cornwell is the third-youngest recipient of the VC after Andrew Fitzgibbon and Thomas Flinn.

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