
Provisional Bishop of San Joaquin responds to the Canterbury primates communique

The level of my sadness in response to The Episcopal Church’s “suspension” in particular from Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogues, is immeasurable.

I trust you are aware of the decision by the Primates who have gathered in Canterbury, England.

Personally, I wish to say, as I indicated in my words for The Friday Reflection, the level of my sadness in response to The Episcopal Church’s “suspension” in particular from Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogues, is immeasurable.

However, I also wish to say, I hope and I pray the decision of the Primates will increase our resolve concerning the ways we continue to work at being an inclusive church. I hope and I pray that our diocese and our continued discernment regarding who we are Called to be… will always lead us to be welcoming and encouraging to not only our LGBT Sisters and Brothers but all people who have been placed on the margins for whatever reason.

This morning, let us pray for our Anglican Communion.

Let us pray for the Episcopal Church, of which we are a part.

And let us pray for one another in this place.

And so, we pray that the ways we live and have our being will reflect Jesus.



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