The College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America met on January 6, 2016 (the Feast of the Epiphany) to prayerfully elect the next bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes.
Three candidates, The Rev. Canon Daryl Fenton, The Rev. Allen Kannapell, and The Rev. Canon Ronald Jackson, had been nominated when the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes met in an extraordinary Synod on October 3, 2015.
The College, meeting at Christ Church in Vero Beach, Florida heard the testimonies of all three candidates and had the opportunity to ask them questions about their faith, ministry, and calling. After a time of
prayer, the College elected Dr. Jackson.
Archbishop Beach gave thanks for the election saying, “I am very excited about this godly man whom God has raised up to serve His Church.”
The chair of the Task Force on the Episcopate, the Rt. Rev Bill Atwood commented: “The Bishops take their role prayerfully and very seriously to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We had three tremendous candidates for Bishop of the Great Lakes. We are pleased to be able to come to one mind concerning the selection of the new Bishop, and congratulate our brother The Rev Dr. Ronald W. Jackson as the new Bishop. The Bishops are very pleased to commend him.”
Dr. Jackson will be the second bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes, taking over the episcopal ministry from diocese’s first bishop, The Rt. Rev. Roger Ames. The consecration of bishop elect Jackson will be in Akron, Ohio on Thursday, April 28th, 2016. Details are still being finalized, but more information on the consecration will be available at after January 11th.
Please rejoice and pray with the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes as they enter this new season.