“The events surrounding the blessing of the Gay Pride march in York could not be ignored.”
As the Steering Group of Reform met last week, the events surrounding the blessing of the Gay Pride march in York could not be ignored.
Whilst the Reform Steering Group stands opposed to homophobia, nevertheless they were unanimously of the view that it was an offense to all bible-believing Christians for the Minster to endorse, without qualification, the activities of York Pride with the intention of “affirming the LGBT community”.
They appreciated the Archbishop of York’s statement affirming the “traditional Christian understanding of human sexuality, orientation, and behavior” and agreed with him that God loves and values all people, whatever their sexual orientation, and that that same love should be shown by Christians. They hope that the Archbishop of York is prepared to stand by the whole of Lambeth Resolution 1.10, which rejects “homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture” and the Dromantine Conference of Anglican Communion Primates Communiqué which affirms this teaching.
Susie Leafe, Director of Reform, said “We long for all churches to model Jesus Christ’s welcome to all people – a welcome that loves us enough not only to walk with us in self-sacrificial love but also to warn us of God’s judgment and call us to repent of our rejection of God’s ways.”
They therefore wish to express their unequivocal support for the stand that Rev Melvin Tinker, a founder member of Reform, has taken and they applaud his courage in being prepared to speak graciously and clearly of the Church’s responsibility to teach and act according to biblical principles.
Note. The Steering Group consists of
Rev Angus Macleay: St Nicholas, Sevenoaks, Rochester Diocese
Preb Rod Thomas: St Matthew’s, Elburton, Exeter Diocese
Rev Mike Smith: St John’s, Hartford, Chester Diocese
Rev Simon Austen: St Leonard’s, Exeter, Exeter Diocese
Rev Mark Burkill: Christ Church, Leyton, Chelmsford Diocese
Rev William Taylor: St Helen’s, Bishopsgate, London Diocese