
Church in Wales working for Fair Trade designation

The Church in Wales hopes to become the first province in the Anglican Communion to achieve “Fair Trade” status.

The Church in Wales hopes to become the first province in the Anglican Communion to achieve “Fair Trade” status. At last week’s “Time is Now” conference in Llandudno the Welsh bishops urged their congregations to switch to Fair Trade teas and coffees to help promote “justice in the global food market.” According to a statement released by the Church in Wales, 60 per cent of its congregations have signed the Fair Trade pledge. When 70 per cent of its congregations sign on, it will receive “Fair Trade” accreditation rom Fair Trade Wales. The Bishop of Swansea and Brecon, the Rt. Rev. John Davies, said promoting “Fair Trade” was a Christian virtue. “We have made great strides towards becoming a Fair Trade province and we’re very nearly there. I hope all our churches will respond so that we exceed the 70 per cent target and help to ensure that our refreshments do not come at the cost of other people’s exploitation.” The Revd Carol Wardman, the Bishops’ Adviser for Church and Society, said Fair Trade was “an important part of the Church’s 2020 Vision to reach out with Christian love in action, and a great way to show solidarity with producers all over the world.”

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