Albany cathedral safeguarding update


From the Dean 
April 22, 2024
In August of 2021, I wrote to the congregation as follows:
“Mr. Woodrow Bynum, the Director of Music at the Cathedral of All Saints has informed me that he has been named in a civil lawsuit naming him, St. Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue in New York, and The Episcopal Diocese of New York alleging sexual misconduct occurring before Mr. Bynum was employed by the Cathedral. These are serious allegations. We affirm the right of injured parties to seek redress in the courts. We also affirm the presumption of innocence and the right to a fair hearing on the part of the accused.
Mr. Bynum vigorously denies these allegations and intends to defend himself in the courts, which are the proper venue for the determination of guilt and innocence and liability.
These allegations do not allege that any misconduct has occurred here at The Cathedral of All Saints or by Mr. Bynum during his fourteen-year tenure as Director of Music. The Cathedral of All Saints is not a party to this suit nor is the Episcopal Diocese of Albany. I have no reason to believe that the interactions between the staff of the Cathedral and the young people in our charge have been anything other than correct and appropriate.
I have, and continue to have, confidence in the protocols for the safeguarding of our young people which have been in place at The Cathedral of All Saints for many years. In my time as Dean, I believe that these protocols have been carefully observed.”
This case is now working its way through the courts and is being reported on in the media. There is no new information. Mr. Bynum is still entitled to the presumption of innocence, and we continue to exercise strict safeguarding protocols at the Cathedral including the rule that a choir parent is on duty at all times when choristers and choral scholars are at the Cathedral. Neither the Director of Music, Cast fellow, nor any staff singer are ever alone with a child. All adult choir members and leadership participate in Diocesan safe-guarding training.
If you have any questions, please contact me through the Cathedral office. 
The Very Rev. Fr. Leander S. Harding, Ph.D.
Dean of the Cathedral of All Saints