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Anglican Mission in England

‘Assisted Dying’ Bill fails to protect the vulnerable, Bishop of London warns

The Bishop of London has warned of the ‘serious risk’ that people would opt...

Diocese of Carlisle awarded £6.8 million to fund missional growth

The Diocese of Carlisle has been awarded £6.8 million by the Church of England...

Andy Lines statement on the appointment of two assistant bishops for the Anglican Mission in England

At our first in-person (and hybrid) AMiE Synod in Sheffield on 18 June 2022...

AMiE – May video update

Lee McMunn offers an update on the work of the Anglican Mission in England

An anchor for the soul: AMiE parish launched in Cornwall

The sea, a natural harbour and wooded river valley dominate the town of Fowey....

AMiE statement in support of Bishop Andy Lines

The Trustees of the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) became aware in late 2018...

Latest articles

‘Assisted Dying’ Bill fails to protect the vulnerable, Bishop of London warns

The Bishop of London has warned of the ‘serious risk’ that people would opt...

Diocese of Carlisle awarded £6.8 million to fund missional growth

The Diocese of Carlisle has been awarded £6.8 million by the Church of England...

Diocese of Rochester awarded £11 million to support mission and growth

The Diocese of Rochester is delighted to announce that it is to receive £11 million over...

The Racial Justice Toolkit for the Diocese of Norwich: statement

The Racial Justice Toolkit for the Diocese of Norwich was published in September 2024...