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Geoffrey Smith

This Lent I will turn atheism to ashes

As the vicar dipped his finger in the ash of last year’s palm crosses on Wednesday evening, drew a new one on my forehead and invited me to remember that I am dust and will return to dust, I knew immediately what I was giving...

The Plano Statement

Gafcon has sometimes been criticised, even vilified, as a sectarian and schismatic movement that has sought to undermine the unity of the Anglican Communion. But that is simply untrue.

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Australian primate responds to Gaza hospital explosion

Today I join the Anglican community in Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank...

Letter read at the service of farewell for Brisbane Archbishop Phillip Aspinall

30th November 2022 The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall AC Archbishop of Brisbane Dear Phillip, At its recent...

Statement by the Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia on former archbishop Roger Herft

"The Episcopal Standards Board of the Anglican Church of Australia has determined that Roger...

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This Lent I will turn atheism to ashes

As the vicar dipped his finger in the ash of last year’s palm crosses on...

The Plano Statement

Gafcon has sometimes been criticised, even vilified, as a sectarian and schismatic movement that has sought to undermine the unity of the Anglican Communion. But that is simply untrue.

A message from Archdeacon Rachel Mann

The Ven. Dr Rachel Mann, Archdeacon of Salford and Bolton, has shared the following...

Oxford Bubble Church launch to welcome families into church

A new kind of church is coming to Woodley next month as St John’s...