Home Press Releases UK National Week of Prayer kick off

UK National Week of Prayer kick off


The National week of Prayer was birthed a few short months ago, from a number of key organizations and individuals coming together being led to call the Nation to prayer at a critical cultural moment in our history. In a short turnaround time and with limited resources, we have since seen almost 1000 individuals, communities and networks sign up to pray with 100 prayer events registered in every Nation in the United Kingdom, and across the Isles during the 12th – 20th of October.

This coordination and firepower has been a miraculous movement led by the Holy Spirit. We continue to receive multiple testimonies of others who have been called to pray at the same time, even receiving inspired worship songs from around the nation, all with similar themes. The oneness and unity of the Body has been inspiring as all have been willing to lay down brands, logos and agenda and join hands under the banner of the National Week of prayer humbling ourselves to corporately pray and ask the Lord to heal our land.

A diverse range of groups are hosting prayer events in both traditional and unconventional settings. Alongside gatherings in churches and community centers, some meetings are taking place in unique locations like beaches in Jersey, castle grounds, parks, and even during dog walks. These events cater to various interests and focuses, such as praying for specific spheres of influence like government, healthcare, education, and business. There are also online prayer watches and night vigils, allowing people nationwide to participate virtually. This assortment of events highlights the creative and inclusive ways communities are uniting in prayer across the country.

If you’d like to participate, visit our website and sign up to one of our nine midday prayers live streamed each day next week; join us for an in person Regional prayer event in Westminster happening on the 16th of October at Emmanuel Centre, or see events across the UK you can join local to you on our fiery events map. It’s not too late to host a prayer gathering, and if you do, let us know by emailing us a video recording, (contact@nationalweekforprayer.uk), write up testimonies for our blog or capture your event on Insta/socials and tag Nationweekofprayer.