The International Commission for the Theological Dialogue between the Anglicans and the Orthodox met in Athens this week at the Penteli monastery outside of Athens. The 7-14 Oct 2022 meeting  finalized the text of a book, shortly to be published, on ethical issues surrounding death and dying, including the challenge of so-called euthanasia. The title is to be Dying well, living well: our sure and certain hope.

Progress was also made on a future statement about organ donation, celebrating many achievements and blessings in the field of transplantation, reported the Most Rev. Michael Lewis, Primate of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East. , hosted by the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece, at the Inter-Orthodox Center of the Holy Monastery of Penteli.

The Commission thanked Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All of Greece and Metropolitan Ioannis of Thermopylae, Abbot of Penteli Monastery for their hospitality. The commission attended divine worship at the monastery and gave thanks for the life and work for two Orthodox members of the commission who died this year: Metropolitans Kallistos of Dioclea and Ilia of Philomelion 

The Commission also visited St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Athens where they met its incumbent, Canon Leonard Doolan, and the British ambassador, Matthew Lodge. Trips were also taken to see the Acropolis Museum, the Acropolis, and the Areopagus Hill.

The next meeting of the commission is scheduled for October 2023 in Jerusalem and will be hosted by the Anglican bishop in Jerusalem, the Most Rev. Hosam Naoum.