First woman bishop for Mexico


The Diocese of Mexico has elected the first woman bishop in the Anglican Church of Mexico. The Very Rev. Alba Sally Sue Hernandez Garcia was elected by the diocesan synod on 6 Nov 2021. She succeeds the Rev. Carlos Touché Porter who served as bishop of the diocese that covers Mexico City and the surrounding states from 2002 to 2020.

The bishop-elect was educated at San Andreas Theological Seminary in Mexico City and Ripon College Cuddesdon. She was ordained deacon in 2006 and priest in 2007.  Bishop-elect Hernandez Garcia is Dean of the Cathedral of San José de Gracia in Mexico City and is chaplain and instructor at the church’s national seminary.  She serves on the diocesan and National church youth ministry committees and is a member of the International Anglican Youth Network. Her candidate biography can be found on the diocesan webpage.