Canadian church leaders call for permanent ceasefire in Gaza


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

Dear friends in Christ:

We welcome the January 19, 2025, temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. This is a first step and potentially a meaningful one toward a permanent ceasefire and peace in this fractured land. As Christian leaders, since October 7, 2023, we have repeatedly called for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, for the immediate and safe release of all captives, humanitarian aid for Gazans, and the safe return of Gazans to their homes and neighbourhoods.

A permanent ceasefire would cease hostilities, release all remaining hostages, liberate thousands of Palestinian prisoners detained without cause or charge, ensure continuing and increasing humanitarian aid in all forms — medical, food and psychological — and result in the withdrawal of occupying forces.

We also express our deepest concern that occupation forces and illegal settlers are escalating violence against Palestinian refugee camps, farmers, orchards, homes and lands in the West Bank. Only when the occupation of all Palestinian territories ends can genuine peace be realized.

Together, let us join in:

  • Praying for all who, over these past 15 months and for decades, have served tirelessly and in the direst of conditions to support life with dignity. We mourn for all who have died and pray for them, especially for the children whose lives have been cut short in such horrific circumstances.
  • Hearing the continuing appeals of our global church partners, asking us not only to advocate and pray for the adoption of the full ceasefire agreement, but also for the region’s leaders and people to invest as much of their political and financial capital toward peacebuilding as they tragically have in waging warfare over the past many months — and in the seventy years preceding.
  • Learning about the history of the Land we call Holy, the realities of occupation, war and violence, the practices of human rights, and the stories of leaders of vision who work for peace every day. Learning also about expressions of solidarity by churches.
  • Speaking out against rhetoric that dehumanizes and demonizes anyone, opposing antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian racism, and by promoting accurate information about issues of public concern. Speaking for the truth that all are made in the image of God. Speaking of your hope for a just and lasting peace.
  • Advocating for Canada to play a critical role in leading international efforts to end this deadly cycle of violence, and to make resources available to help Israelis and Palestinians lay the foundations for lasting, just and equitable peace in their homelands, a peace that is so urgently needed for the security, rights and dignity of all.

We pray for the courage, wisdom, strength and hope to continue working for a just and lasting peace. We give thanks for all who join us on this journey.

[Signed +Anne Germond]
The Most Rev. Anne Germond
Acting Primate, Anglican Church of Canada

[signed The Rev. Dr. Patricia Dutcher-Walls]
The Rev. Dr. Patricia Dutcher-Walls
Moderator, The Presbyterian Church in Canada

[signed The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne]
The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne
Moderator, The United Church of Canada

[signed] +Susan C Johnson
The Rev. Susan C. Johnson
National Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada