I have just returned from Egypt having spent just over a week at the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches’s (GSFA) first Assembly, followed by meetings with EFAC and Anglican Orthodox Leaders.

GSFA Assembly

“I Will Make You As A Light To The Nations” (Isaiah 49:6)

It was an amazing privilege to attend the gathering of 200 archbishops, bishops, senior leaders and lay brothers and sisters from 40 different countries.

There was an incredible sense of unity amongst people from radically different cultures and backgrounds, all united in the gospel. I was humbled to hear of the courage and faith of these brothers and sisters in the face of war, natural disasters, persecution, and suffering. I was encouraged by their faith and desire to uphold biblical faithfulness in their own contexts.

GSFA action towards the ‘reset’ of the communion

This was the first assembly since the GSFA’s adoption of a new Covenantal Structure in 2019 combining gospel life and witness as a covenanted ecclesial body within the Anglican Communion.

At the assembly, the GSFA took steps in the implementation of the covenantal structure by electing a chair (++Justin Badi) and a Primates Steering Committee. The Assembly recommitted itself to both the reset of the Communion announced in the 2023 Ash Wednesday Statement and to a reform of it from within – not a split from it.

As of June 2024, 11 Provinces have become fully covenanted members, three associate member dioceses, 14 mission partners (of which CEEC is one). 13 active Primates, 44 bishops, 46 clergy, and 36 lay were present at this first Assembly,

Summary of GSFA, EFAC and AOL meetings

I was struck by a real sense of disbelief, shock, grief and betrayal at the Church of England’s continued departure from its biblical doctrine (compounded by Canterbury Cathedral’s announcement, while we were there, that it will be offering Prayers of Love and Faith to same sex couples).

I was bowled over by the incredible support for CEEC and orthodox Anglicans in England, for which we are truly thankful. It was a joy to worship together in the Lord and share in God’s word.

It was an excellent time. In particular, I was really pleased to see some steps towards a coming together of GSFA and GAFCON and a desire to work together to support global orthodox Anglicans.

We continue to give thanks for our global brothers and sisters, for their support and encouragement and pray that as Anglicans spread across the globe, we will continue to defend, live out and proclaim the gospel.