Home News According to Data of the Israeli government, the Christian population is growing...

According to Data of the Israeli government, the Christian population is growing in Israel

Altar of Christ Church, Anglican in the Old City of Jerusalem.

In December of 2023, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) of the Israeli Government published data on the country’s Christian community. According to the Report, approximately 187,900 Christians reside in Israel, which represents 1.9% of the population. This fact represents a growth of 1.3% compared to the previous year, consolidating an upward trend that has been maintained over the last two years.

The Christian population in Israel has experienced constant growth. In 2021, their number rose to 182,000 with an increase of 1.4%, and in 2022, the registered growth was 2%, reaching 185,000 according to the CBS’ data. Of these, 75.3% are Arab Christians, representing 6.9% of the total Arab population.

As opposed to the trend in many countries of the Middle East, where Christin populations are decreasing and Christian persecution is increasing, Israel reflects a different reality, according to the Israeli Government. The country is not included in the list of the 50 principal countries where Christians suffer extreme levels of persecution, according to “Open Doors” Annual Report.

The demographic report of December 31, 2022 estimated the total population of Israel  to be 9,656,000 inhabitants. Of these, 7,106,000 are Jews, 2,037,000 are Arabs and 513,000 belong to other categories.

In regard to social events, there were 815 Christian weddings in 2021, and the average age of the Christian grooms was  30.7 years, and of the brides 27.4 years, higher figures than the average between Jews and Muslims.

In regard to the birth rate, 2,343 babies were born to Christian women in 2022, of which approximately 73% (1,704) were children of Christian Arab women. The total fertility rate in 2022 was 1.68 children per Christian woman, being slightly less, 1.62, between Arab Christian women. In comparison, the fertility rate in Israel in 2023 was 2,931 births per woman, showing a decrease of 0.78% in regard to the previous year.

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