Diocese of False Bay elects new Bishop


Provincial Announcement:

An Elective Assembly of the Diocese of False Bay has elected the Revd Canon Stafford Moses as their new Bishop.

Bishop-elect Moses was elected on the third ballot on the first day of the Assembly today. He was one of five candidates. He succeeds Bishop Margaret Vertue, who retired this year.

Please pray for him, for his wife, Bishop Yvette Moses of the Cape of Good Hope District of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, and their wider families as they prepare for his Consecration and Installation.

Sincerely yours in Christ

The Revd Grant Walters

Provincial Executive Officer

Diocesan announcement:

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: it is with a heart of tremendous gratitude that I announce that the Diocese of False Bay has elected the Revd. Canon Stafford Moses as the third Bishop of False Bay.

Canon Stafford is 57. He is married to Yvette. She is Bishop of the Methodist Church and serves the extensive Cape of Good Hope Region. They have two adult daughters, Melanie and Bethany.

Canon Stafford was made a Deacon on 16 December 1991 and ordained a priest on 8 November 1992. He has served in a number of parishes viz. St. Matthew and Christ Church Beaufort West, All Saints Church Somerset West, St. John Rusthof, St. Paul Faure, St. Michael and All Angels Harare (Khayelitsha), St. Philip Gordon’s Bay and currently he is the Rector of All Saints Church Muizenberg.

We are grateful to God for sending us a Bishop to lead the flock of Christ in False Bay. Let us all regularly and with tenderness of heart, pray for our Bishop-elect that he, together with us, God’s People, may tackle and interrogate what it means to be a Christian, a person of faith, an Anglican at a time when much of the world seems to push God further and further into oblivion.

We covenant to hold up the hands and arms of our new Bishop and to walk with him in faith and confidence into the future, where Christ is the true Shepherd who will lead us in the paths of right-living. Welcome Bishop-elect Stafford, Yvette, Melanie and Bethany.

May God truly bless and prosper your Episcopal ministry.


(Vicar General)