Charity Commission clears Free Church of England


On 18th April 2021 the Daily Telegraph carried a story under the headline, Former archbishop’s aide faces questions over ‘missing’ £300,000 with the subheading, The Charity Commission is examining claims of possible financial irregularities.

On 15th September 2022 the Charity Commission wrote to the Free Church on England stating that their extensive investigation, with which the Free Church of England and the Free Church of England Central Trust cooperated fully, had come to an end.

The conclusion was that the Serious Incident Report (that had been filed with the Charity Commission 5 days before the Daily Telegraph Article), which had been fuelled by other complaints along the way, has now been examined. The Charity commission have now stated that we are assured that there has been no misappropriation of funds by the Charity or its Trustees. The case is now closed.

Both Bishops of the Free Church of England have been subjected to a sustained and orchestrated campaign designed to destroy their reputation and this has caused them and their families, as well as the Free Church of England, considerable anxiety and distress.

We are glad that this chapter has come to a close and that the Free Church of England can be fully engaged in serving God in its Churches and communities.