Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Lenten Greetings in the Name of Christ Jesus!  As we begin our Lenten pilgrimage, let us not ignore the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding before our eyes in Europe. Our hearts are breaking at the scenes of Ukrainians under attack from Russian forces with bombs landing in neighborhoods, schools, and playgrounds. Many of us have family and friends living and working in Ukraine or serving with the local church.

As the crisis intensifies and Ukrainians fight for their lives, more and more Ukrainians are being displaced and made homeless. Others will be without basic necessities like water, shelter, and food as basic infrastructure is destroyed. The Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) has mounted a campaign to raise funds to help. We are currently partnering with those inside Ukraine and those working in bordering countries being overwhelmed with refugees.

Are you able to help? ARDF has received a $100,000 challenge gift to match dollar for dollar the first $100,000 received. This means your personal gift can be doubled. Please consider helping today by clicking here.

Beyond giving financially to these efforts, your prayers are vital. Prayer really does make a difference! Pray for the Ukrainian people and their leaders, the Russian people and their leaders, the numerous Christian leaders and missionaries in the country, and for the hundreds of thousands of refugees. Ask God to intervene.

Please join us in praying these Collects from The Book of Common Prayer 2019:

“O God, our heavenly Father, whose blessed Son has taught us to seek our daily bread from you: Behold the affliction of your people in Ukraine and send them swift aid in their time of need. Increase the fruits of the earth by your heavenly benediction; and grant that receiving your gifts with thankful hearts, they may use them to your glory, for the relief of those in need, and for their own health; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

– Adapted from Collect, In Time of Scarcity and Famine, BCP2019, p.653

“Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed: Kindle, we pray, in the hearts of all people the true love of peace, and guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth; that in tranquility your kingdom may go forward, till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

– Collect For The Peace of the World, BCP2019, p. 654

Yours in Christ,

The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach
Archbishop and Primate, Anglican Church in North America