A Charge to stand united against the forces of hatred


by The Right Reverend Gregory O. Brewer

Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida

To the shame of Central Florida, there were two anti-Semitic neo-Nazi demonstrations in the Orlando area over the weekend.  At one of those demonstrations, a Jewish university student was pulled out of his car, spat upon and assaulted.  On Monday, a bomb threat was made on Bethune–Cookman University in Daytona Beach – one of many bomb threats made on historically Black colleges and universities in the United States.  All of these events happened within just a few days of each other.  We cannot turn and look the other way and, by our silence, tolerate such actions.  These actions should be condemned in the strongest possible terms.  Our job as Christians is to stand with those who are being mistreated.  

Dated:  February 3, 2022 in Orlando, Florida