Statement from the Titus Trust on report of police investigations


In a statement given in response to Julian Mann’s article “Alleged Iwerne abuser now under police investigation” spokesman for The Titus Trust said today:

‘Any allegation of abuse is of deep concern and we hope the authorities conclude their investigations swiftly so any victims can see justice done as soon as possible. So far as The Titus Trust is concerned, there are no allegations of abuse taking place at its camps, where safeguarding is paramount, and all volunteers, leaders and staff are subject to thorough DBS checks. The Titus Trust is not aware of any ongoing investigations beyond the Makin Review into the John Smyth case, which it is engaging with fully and transparently. In the absence of any firm detail about these other cases – such as who is involved, when the alleged behaviour took place, and what relationship those involved had, if any, to the Titus Trust – it is difficult to comment further’.