NZ Archbishops call for remembrance

Archbishops of Aotearoa and New Zealand have called for Anglicans to join in dawn prayers to mark ANZAC day from home.


Archbishop Don Tamihere and Archbishop Philip Richardson have invited Anglicans throughout Aotearoa New Zealand to join in a national time of prayer to mark ANZAC Day at 6.00am on the morning of Saturday 25 April.

The archbishops have offered the following prayers for Anglicans to use in their homes, as individuals or within their lockdown bubbles, as part of this act of remembrance and thanksgiving. 

He Inoi Maumahara | A Collect for Remembrance
E te Atua aroha,
E maumahara ana mātou ki te hunga kua hinga i te pakanga;
ki a rātou i tū māia ki mua i te mura o te ahi,
ā, i mate ki whenua pāmamao.
Ka tukua tonutia rātou ki ōu ringa,
me tōu atawhai mutungakore.
Titiro atawhai mai ki te hunga e pōuri ana,
kia puawai tōu tūmanako i roto i ō mātou ngākau.
Nā te maumaharatanga ka ora tonu ai rātou ki a mātou;
Nā te whaiwhakaaro ki ngā rau o te riri,
ka piri anō mātou ki te raukura o rongo.
Horahia ki a mātou te rongopai me te rongomau,
āianei, ā, mō ake tonu ai,
God of compassion,
We remember the fallen,
we remember those who stood valiantly in battle,
and those who lost their lives in foreign fields.
Into your hands we commend them,
that they may be surrounded by your grace.
Look kindly upon us who mourn them,
that even in sorrow we might find hope.
For it is by remembering that our loved ones live on,
and in calling to mind the unbearable sacrifices of war,
we become resolute in striving for peace.
May kindness be our portion and peace our eternal refuge,
now and forevermore,
He Inoi mō te Rangimārie | A Collect for Peace
E te Atua Kaha rawa,
Ko koe te waipuna pono, te wai ātarere;
Poua ki roto i a mātou ko te whaakaro nui me te whakaaro pono,
kia ū ai mātou ki te mahi rangatira a te mahi ātawhai,
kia meatia a mātou mahi katoa i runga i te aroha,
kia tipu mātoro ko te āio me te rangimārie ki te ao katoa.
Ko Ihu Karaiti hoki tō mātou Ariki,
Almighty God,
You who are the wellspring of peace and truth,
Give us we pray the wisdom and discernment we need,
to be unfailing in our kindness,
to be compassionate in all that we do,
so that peace might flourish throughout all the world.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,