TSM prof appointed interim bishop


Ambridge, PA, March 25, 2020 – At the request of Archbishop Foley Beach and the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), the Rt. Rev. Dr. Grant LeMarquand, Trinity’s professor of missions and director of the Stanway Institute for World Mission and Evangelism, has been asked to take on episcopal responsibilities for the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes. This is a temporary, part time position until a new bishop for that diocese can be elected in the fall of this year and, God willing, consecrated in early 2021.

The position of bishop in the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes (most of whose parishes are in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Michigan) became vacant when their bishop stepped down pending an investigation, which is nearing completion, and subsequently retired for health reasons. Bishop John Miller (a Trinity School for Ministry graduate) had been the temporary bishop for some months, but has had to step down also for health reasons.

Bishop Grant will remain a full-time professor at Trinity, although a few of his duties will be delegated for the coming months. His primary responsibilities in his interim bishop role are to meet with Standing Committee and other committees of the diocese on a regular basis, to keep in regular contact with the clergy and diocesan staff, and to perform episcopal functions (confirmations, ordinations, etc.).

Please pray for Bishop Grant, for the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes, and for Trinity School for Ministry during this unusual and fragile time.