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Anglican Church in North America

Bishop of Moosonee elected

The Rev. Rod BrantFrancis, incumbent of the Parish of Tyendinaga in the Diocese of...

‘Let the little children come to me.’ – How neuro-inclusive practice is a blessing for all

William Rogers is the vicar at St Matthew’s in Fulham and is an ambassador...

We are all in the parable

Henri Nouwen, one of the spiritual directors I deeply respect, has impacted my spiritual...

Mark Eldredge appointed AAC acting CEO

The American Anglican Council (AAC) has a new acting CEO now that Bishop-Elect Phil...

A statement from Bishop Julian Dobbs regarding the deposition of Mr. Phillip J. Shade

On February 4, 2025, I received disturbing information regarding actions of inappropriate behavior involving Phillip Shade...

Bishop Eric Menees’ testimony to the January meeting of the College of Bishops

The problem of communion: The temptation of the faithful

I’ve recently begun wrestling with issues of communion between Christians and churches. And for...

Who is God to you?

Faithful bishop censures woke bishopess who abused pulpit to attack Trump

The Right Reverend Dr. Felix Clarence Orji, OSB, is one of the most highly...

New Trend: Nondenom ‘Anglicans’?

Last week at the national March for Life, I walked with an evangelical pastor co-leading a...

Make America pro-life again

Christians across America have been praying for the incoming administration. Regardless of our personal...

‘God’s Word Upholds the Sanctity of Life’ Anglicans Affirm

Jesus’ humanness confirms and restores the dignity of all persons, according to an Anglican...

ACNA bishops-elect receive their consents from the college of bishops

On Thursday, January 16, 2025, the Anglican Church in North America’s College of Bishops...

ACNA college of bishops meets in Florida

The College of Bishops convened in Melbourne, Florida, from January 13 to 17, 2025,...

Latest articles

Bishop of Moosonee elected

The Rev. Rod BrantFrancis, incumbent of the Parish of Tyendinaga in the Diocese of...

‘Let the little children come to me.’ – How neuro-inclusive practice is a blessing for all

William Rogers is the vicar at St Matthew’s in Fulham and is an ambassador...

We need to address why Kenyans are angry- Jackson Ole Sapit

USCIRF Releases 2025 Annual Report

Washington, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) today released...