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Andrew Goddard

A message from Archdeacon Rachel Mann

The Ven. Dr Rachel Mann, Archdeacon of Salford and Bolton, has shared the following message ahead of an upcoming leave of absence, beginning Friday 21st March, for at least three months. We hold Rachel in our thoughts and prayers and wish her the best...

Oxford Bubble Church launch to welcome families into church

A new kind of church is coming to Woodley next month as St John’s the Evangelist launches Bubble Church, the first in our diocese! The vicar, the Revd Mark Nam, is introducing the service to encourage more young families to come to church. He said: “We...

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LLF: Will it all now end in tears?

It looks horribly like the whole LLF process in its current form is going...

Prayers of Love and Faith: what has the House of Bishops done?

The House of Bishops met on Monday October 9th and in the early evening a press...

Prayers of love and faith, (Arch-)Episcopal power and Anglican identity

The Church of England is waiting for the bishops to decide (likely on October...

The future before us: Where do we go from here on LLF?

This painful and contested situation cannot continue, for the sake of the proclamation of...

The future of LLF: cakeism or coherence?

Twenty years ago, Archbishop Rowan began his presidential address to the July 2003 York General...

Prayers, Process, and Powers: B2 or not B2, that is the question—summary

The report to General Synod concerning Prayers of Love and Faith includes a paragraph stating: The House...

The Prayers of Love and Faith and the call to a holy life

With the College and House of Bishops meeting next week and the July General...

Living in Love and Faith: Good Episcopal Differentiation?

Learning from the Communion and the Church of England’s Past The Anglican Communion has, after...

Facing our Disagreements on Living in Love and Faith

One of the features of the bishops’ proposals and the reactions to them is...

Can we square the Living in Love and Faith circle?

In his recent critical profile of Archbishop Justin Welby, Giles Fraser recalls interviewing him in 2012 when he...

LLF: Recent Past, Present & Future – Part Three

Looking ahead – where do we go from here? What the bishops have offered in...

LLF: Recent Past, Present & Future – Part Two

Looking at the issues No change to the doctrine of marriage The bishops in their response...

Latest articles

A message from Archdeacon Rachel Mann

The Ven. Dr Rachel Mann, Archdeacon of Salford and Bolton, has shared the following...

Oxford Bubble Church launch to welcome families into church

A new kind of church is coming to Woodley next month as St John’s...

Diocese of Wisconsin unveils new seal and coat of arms

After months of careful discernment, design, and refinement, the Diocese of Wisconsin has officially...

ADF rebels attack Congolese village, kill 4

The evening of March 8, Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels launched a violent attack on...