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HomeNewsDiocese of Carlisle awarded £6.8 million to fund missional growth

Diocese of Carlisle awarded £6.8 million to fund missional growth

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The Diocese of Carlisle has been awarded £6.8 million by the Church of England to help Cumbrian churches grow missional, younger and more diverse faith communities.

Over the next five years the funding will support the creation of nearly 90 new Christian communities across the county. There will be a particular focus on helping local established churches to plant new Christian congregations in Barrow, Carlisle and in rural Derwent Deanery and there will be investment to help train over 200 new leaders. Collaborative working and extra support will also be offered to young Christians (from babies to 25-year-olds) to help them spiritually flourish, grow in faith and become adult disciples.

It follows a successful bid made to the national church’s Strategic Mission and Ministry Investment Board which distributes and monitors funds made available by the Church Commissioners and the Archbishops’ Council to help churches reach more people with the good news of the gospel.

The Acting Bishop of Carlisle, the Rt Rev Rob Saner-Haigh, said: “I am delighted that our bid has been successful, and I want to thank the board for its very generous support for our mission and ministry here in Cumbria.

“This award will fund frontline ministry, particularly in Barrow, Carlisle and Derwent Deanery, adding to the fantastic, faithful work which our local churches, clergy and other ministers do each and every day across the county. I also want to thank our brilliant colleagues across the diocese who have worked so hard and skilfully over a long period of time to make this bid a success.”

The multi-million-pound award will further support the county’s God for All vision and strategy, helping the growth and flourishing of 34 mission communities – local groups of mutually supportive and collaborative churches with mission at their heart.

A three-year pilot will support parish growth and leadership development in three designated deeply rural mission communities with further dedicated assistance also being offered to all mission community leaders to help support them in leading the collaborative planning and delivery of mission, sharing the love of God and bringing new people to faith through new and traditional ways.

Rachel Head, Diocesan Director of Mission and Ministry, Support and Innovation, co-led the work with Kerry Roughton, Head of Programme Management, to submit this successful bid.

Rachel said: “As the Programme Director, I am delighted we have received such a positive mandate from the Church Commissioners who have unconditionally awarded us the full grant.

“We have spent nearly two years developing and honing our vision for this bid – ‘The Cumbria Way’ – and for many months colleagues have worked intensively with local leaders and churches across the county to develop the detail of our locally owned plans for mission and growth. Excitingly, it’s now time to put these plans into action!

“Of course, as we do so we must continue to pray and be guided by the Holy Spirit, as we seek to do God’s work in each place. Our commitment to listening and working together will be an integral and vital part of our approach, as well as regularly communicating with people across the diocese about what’s happening.

“It is our intention to share both what goes well and what we learn along the way, as together we strive to reach new people in a breadth of different ways. It is imperative that the new resources available to the diocese through this award are put to best use in the service of God’s work here in this distinctive and beautiful county.”

Bishop Rob added: “Let us pray that God will bless and grow this work so that people will come to know the love and hope of Jesus and so that we can do more to bless the communities we are called to serve.”


Notes to editors

The Diocese of Carlisle has been awarded £6.779m by the SMMIB.

For more information about the SMMIB visit:

For more information about God for All visit:

For further information contact Dave Roberts, Diocesan Head of Communications, on 07469 153658 or at

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