The Racial Justice Toolkit for the Diocese of Norwich was published in September 2024 and has been available online and in print to parishes since then. It is an optional resource for parishes to use.
You may have read some media coverage in the Daily Telegraph, the Mail online and Premier Christian News over the weekend of 8 March 2025. Here is the response statement sent back to media outlets from the Diocese of Norwich.
“The Racial Justice Toolkit is part of the Diocese of Norwich’s response to the Church of England’s From Lament to Action report agreed by General Synod in 2021. The toolkit contains a wide range of optional resources for parishes and was created by a group largely made up of UKME clergy and lay people.
We are committed to being a church for all in our communities and this must include people from all parts of society. It is a matter of fact that Anglicanism is a global communion and, as disciples of Jesus, we benefit from the insights of Christians from a range of cultures and experiences.
In Christ, our differences are not erased, but, rather, embraced within his radical love. Every neighbour, regardless of colour, class, or creed, is a treasured human being made in the image of God. Archbishop Desmond Tutu coined the phrase ‘rainbow people’ to describe how we might live well together and contribute to just and flourishing communities. That is our desire in the Diocese of Norwich.”
You can read more about racial justice in the Diocese of Norwich here: