Nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury

Stephen Knott, The Archbishops’ Secretary for Appointments has written to members of General Synod to confirm expected timings for the process of nominating the next Archbishop of Canterbury.


Dear members of the General Synod,

As you will expect, the process for the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury is underway and I wanted to write to share the outline framework of the emerging plans surrounding this. It is a significant responsibility, and all those involved are committed to ensuring this important process is carried out with the utmost integrity and care.

By way of an update, the Canterbury Diocese ‘Vacancy in See’ process commenced in December and, late last year, it was announced from Downing Street that the Prime Minister had appointed Lord (Jonathan) Evans of Weardale to chair the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC). My colleagues and I are supporting Lord Evans as he takes on this important responsibility and are working in partnership with him on the detailed planning.

In February and March, Jonathan Hellewell (the Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary) and I will undertake an extensive consultation exercise and, as part of this consultation, it will be possible for you to contribute and share your views. The themes that emerge through this consultation will sit alongside the ‘Statement of Needs’ produced by the Diocese of Canterbury, as well as other information provided by the National Church and Anglican Communion, in informing the CNC of the needs of the mission of the Church of England and the wider Anglican Communion.

It is expected that the full membership of the Commission will be known by mid-March, by which time the names of the three individuals elected from the Diocese of Canterbury’s Vacancy in See Committee, the outcome of the election of the episcopal member(s), the Central Members and the Anglican Communion representatives will be announced. The election process for the episcopal membership will be overseen by the Central Secretariat and further information on this will be circulated in the next weeks.

Once the Diocese of Canterbury’s Vacancy in See process has concluded, the extensive consultation exercise has been completed, and the full membership of the CNC is known, the Commission will convene for its first meeting in May, followed by two further meetings – one in July and one in September. Through these meetings, the Commission will agree the ‘Role Profile’ and ‘Person Specification’ for the next Archbishop, as well as longlist, shortlist and interview potential candidates.

While the discernment of the Crown Nominations Commission is necessarily confidential, we are committed to sharing relevant updates and information whenever available. To provide clarity on the timeline and sequence of events concerning the appointment and CNC process, there is a dedicated page on the Church of England website for your reference.

Finally, we want to make sure that prayer is central to the process and would ask that you continue to hold it – and all those involved – in your prayers:

Heavenly Father,
shepherd of your Church,
send us a faithful pastor
to lead with wisdom, courage, and love,
proclaiming your Gospel,
celebrating the sacraments,
and guiding your people in unity and truth.
Strengthen your Church, we pray,
and direct us in your ways;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.