Church of England House of Bishops Meeting – January 2025


The House of Bishops met in person for its first meeting of the new year in London.

The House reviewed detailed updates from the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) working groups presented by Bishop Martyn Snow. After considered reflection on the complexity and depth of the proposed changes, it became clear that Bishops with views across the range of different perspectives agreed that it was unlikely all elements of the proposals would be sufficiently developed in time for Synod to make a decision in July.

They agreed to extend the timetable to ensure that all elements of the proposals are sufficiently developed for a decision to be taken on them as a whole. The intention is still to update General Synod in February, and bring further proposals to General Synod in July, but it is likely these will not be able to be formally put to a vote until a subsequent Synod. This will also give further time for consultations with Diocesan Synods and other networks.

The House discussed the continued actions being undertaken in response to the Makin review and the proposals on independent safeguarding and the revised Clergy Conduct Measure being brought to General Synod in February. The Archbishop of York and the Bishop of London discussed the importance of increased transparency, accountability and responsibility and the opportunities offered by the different proposals being brought to Synod.

In a lengthy and detailed discussion about the challenges faced, the House acknowledged the work that still needed to be done and looked forward to meeting other Episcopal colleagues imminently to work on this this further. Bishop Sarah ended the discussion reflecting that those in the Church are a people of hope who have the appetite for the work to be done.

A recent update on the process being undertaken by the National Safeguarding Team can be found here: Update on Makin Review Methodology.