His Majesty The King has approved the appointments of the Revd Canon Dave Bull as the next Bishop of Buckingham and the Revd Canon Mary Gregory as the next Bishop of Reading. 

The announcement today will be followed by an introduction to the Diocese of Oxford communities at Church House, Oxford, before each of the Bishops Designate head off to visit their respective new ‘Sees’. Mary will visit Reading Minster and Ranelagh School, to meet faith and civic leaders in Berkshire. While Dave will head to St Mary’s Princes Risborough, and Waddesdon School, before closing the day with visits to Bletchley and Milton Keynes.

Responding to today’s announcement, Dave said: “It is an exciting prospect to serve Buckinghamshire as Bishop in the coming years. My family have made it our home for the past 13 years and so we have already come to love many of the communities, schools and churches here. I look forward to coming to love all the others in the years ahead.

“This is a significant moment to witness Christ in our culture where so many individuals are seeking identity, hope and purpose for their lives. At the same time, there are many signs of vibrant spiritual life in the villages and towns of Buckinghamshire, as well as in the four main population centres of Milton Keynes, Aylesbury, Slough and High Wycombe. 

“I eagerly look forward to discovering what the Lord has in store for us all and invite the people of Buckinghamshire to join me in praying for God’s kingdom to come as we follow Jesus together.”

Mary said: “It is a real privilege and a great joy to be joining the Diocese of Oxford as the Bishop of Reading. I’m looking forward to getting to know Berkshire, its towns and villages, and above all, its people. I am keen to understand how I can best lead our church communities in sharing the hope that we have in God, and in all that God is doing amongst us. There is so much for me to discover. I welcome people’s prayers at this time of transition, just as I’m praying for all those amongst whom I will live and serve.”

The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft said: “I am delighted that Mary has accepted the invitation to be the next Bishop of Reading. She brings great warmth, humanity and a profound understanding of the healing power of reconciliation in God’s world. Given the tensions and conflicts in the world, this will be a significant area of focus as we all pray for peace in our communities. She is committed to the protection of the environment and the strengthening of our interfaith work.” 

He added: “I am delighted, also, that Dave has accepted the invitation to be the next Bishop of Buckingham. As he is also our Area Dean for the Wycombe Deanery, I have had the opportunity to observe his strong faith at work in that community in recent years. He is a proven strategic leader, beloved by his congregations across the 4U team in Marlow, with a deep personal sense of discipleship and mission. Dave engages deeply with all forms of theological tradition and will be building on the firmest of foundations as he becomes Bishop.”  

The Very Revd John Witcombe, Dean of Coventry Cathedral, said: “We are delighted that Canon Mary Gregory has been chosen to be the new Bishop of Reading. She will bring passion for God and all God’s people, along with excellent and imaginative leadership to the Reading Episcopal Area, and the Diocese of Oxford as a whole. Her commitment to making all feel welcome and honoured in the church, both those who are already part of the church community as ministers, members and volunteers and also those who do not consider themselves part of the church family is outstanding. 

“In her three years in Coventry Cathedral Mary has led us significantly forward in our journey towards being a welcoming, safe and inclusive place for all people, with arts and reconciliation at its core. We will miss her, but rejoice that her vocation to episcopal ministry in the Diocese of Oxford has been recognised and affirmed in this important appointment.”

The See of Buckingham is vacant following the untimely and unexpected death of our dear friend and pastor, Bishop Alan Wilson in February 2024, a year before his planned retirement. Alan served as Bishop of Buckingham for more than 20 years and is much missed across the area and the diocese.

The See of Reading is vacant following the retirement of the Bishop of Reading, the Rt Revd Olivia Graham in September of this year.

Find out more about Revd Canon Dave Bull and Revd Canon Mary Gregory.