NAMS signs mission partnership agreement with the Diocese of Boga


At the beginning of March, A Mission Partnership Agreement was signed between the Diocese of Boga (Anglican Church of Congo) and the New Anglican Missionary Society (NAMS), a global Anglican religious order of church planters. The Servant General, the Rev Canon Dr Jon C Shuler, signed for NAMS, and The Rt Rev. Bahemuka Mugenyi William, Bishop Ordinary, signed for the Diocese of Boga.

Our partnership desires to walk together and bless each other out of the abundance with which God has blessed us. NAMS desires to support and bless the life, work, and mission of the Diocese of Boga through visiting and encouraging the ministry of evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, and church planting. Bishop William seeks to further NAMS’s mission, call, and values by providing spiritual friendship, prayer, home, and continuing to be one of the Bishop Guardians of NAMS.

Bishop William has been a member of the NAMS Council of Bishop Guardians for almost a decade, setting an example of spiritual leadership and apostolic vision.

NAMS continues to work alongside Anglican dioceses, jurisdictions, and denominations to expand God’s Kingdom through inspiring, equipping, assisting, and planting new churches. This is the aim of our Mission Partnership Agreement.

We are exploring the possibility of signing similar agreements with other dioceses and jurisdictions in the Anglican family, as God continues to open doors for the labor of the New Anglican Missionary Society in the next 30 years.

NAMS is not a jurisdiction or a network of churches, but rather a religious order that works with jurisdictions and denominations for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.