We are deeply troubled by the safeguarding concerns and allegations of cover up in the Church of England raised by the media in recent weeks. The care of survivors and those bringing allegations need to have our priority and focus.
Serious allegations have been made which we believe need to be fully investigated. Those about whom allegations have been made need to have space to answer them. Where there are inaccuracies in media reports these need clarification, so please take note of the Church of England’s national response following the Channel 4 News item here: Statement in response to Channel 4 News story | The Church of England.
There remain questions about whether appropriate action has been taken. Rightly, those making decisions that impact on others need to be accountable. It is also clear that our processes have gaps and weaknesses, which is why we welcome the fact that the General Synod in February will be debating the independent management and oversight of the delivery and scrutiny of safeguarding, the governance of the national church, and a new process for complaints about clergy conduct.
The Diocese of Norwich, as with the rest of the Church of England, has come a long way with safeguarding over the last ten years, including each diocese having a professional safeguarding team, an independent chair of its safeguarding board, detailed safeguarding training for all involved in ministry, and parish safeguarding officers. We are very grateful for all who diligently support this work in this Diocese.
The emergence of new allegations nationally understandably breaks trust and has a negative impact locally where so much good is already happening in proclaiming the Gospel through the worship of God and service to others. Every negative story impacts this, and retraumatises many of those with lived experience of abuse.
The Diocese of Norwich takes all concerns about safeguarding and misconduct very seriously. Please contact our safeguarding team, or one of us, or the archdeacons, if you have anything you wish to discuss with us. For an external conversation, you might wish to contact Safe Spaces (helpline 0300 303 1056 or visit safespacesenglandandwales.org.uk.) Further help and support is also available via the Diocesan website Safeguarding pages: https://www.dioceseofnorwich.org/safeguarding/
As we approach Candlemas, our prayer is that God’s searing, beautiful and calming light will enlighten our Church and us all.
Bishop of Norwich, Bishop of Thetford, Bishop of Lynn