We are very pleased to report that we have received permission from the Ecclesiastical Province of the Northern Lights to go ahead with keeping our current structure of 1 Diocesan Bishop and 3 Suffragan (assisting) Bishops!
As announced previously, the assisting bishops will have increased responsibility in their own regions, and we have budgeted to hire 2 Curates (assisting ministers, usually newly ordained) to work alongside the bishops in their local communities. This will give the suffragan/regional bishops more freedom to travel while they remain minister-in-charge of a congregation.
The Election is scheduled during Synod on May 9th in Edmonton, Alberta.
The Consecration of the new Bishops will take place on Sunday, May 11th.
The official Notice of Synod, including the “Diocesan Profile” (like a job description for the next bishops) and instructions on how the nomination process works, will be released on or before January 31.