Global South Fellowship of Anglicans New Year 2025 Devotional


Dear ones, I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom all blessings flow and happy New year to you all. Indeed, we must thank God for the gift of life as a GSFA family.

In 2025, we are reminded to focus on Jesus the Truth and life. Hebrews 12:2.

Each year comes with its own challenges, but once we trust God these challenges turn into opportunities for the gospel of Christ. My prayer to you all is that; Emmanuel God with us will challenge  every challenges that may encounter us as a GSFA family, particularly preaching and teaching biblical truth. This is done with a lot of  scarcity of resources and opposition of the gospel of salvation from some. I continue to encourage you  to continue trusting in the Lord God the owner of silver and gold ( Haggai 2:8-9). God is going to supply all our needs according to his riches in glory.  Dear ones, be firm and focused to the truth of the biblical teaching. Let us continue to say No to any teaching and practice  which is contrary  to the faith we received. Be focused on Jesus Christ the perfecter of our faith. Some people have completely gone astray as far as God’s design for marriage according to the book of Genesis 2:18-24. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.  On this note;  there are current wrong biblical teachings of marriage of the same sex and their ungodly.  Listen to this as written in John 14:6, Jesus says ” I Am the way, the truth and the life;  no one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus Christ  who is the Word himself is the real truth. He will never tell lies or exchange a lie for a truth because He’s the way the truth and life. 

This truth and life is found in reading and interpreting the word of God faithfully. While some of our  brothers and sisters have gone astray, let us in the GSFA stick to the biblical truth and this truth will set us free from all false doctrines and emerging ideologies.

Let us focus on Jesus who is the real truth.  

We are surrounded by wars, accidents like plane crashes, hunger, and anger, natural disasters etc. But our prayer this year is that our eyes be fixed on Jesus, a mighty warrior and redeemer of the world. 

Once again I call upon all those whose lives are tired from living in sin and carrying a heavy luggage and burden of sin, to repent and come back to Jesus Christ, the life giver and the one who gives rest and the only one who can forgive sin. 

In the Church of Uganda, our theme for the year 2025 is from Paul’s letter to Galatians 6:9 “Let us imitate God’s goodness by doing good.” Dear GSFA Family, this year 2025, God is challenging us to not give up. We should not give up on preaching and teaching the biblical truth even if it means to suffer or be rejected; never give up in standing for the truth. 

God is calling us to do good to all God’s people and particularly to those in our own household (GSFA). This calls for us to support one another and be united to proclaim the true faith in Jesus Christ found in biblical faithful teaching and preaching the true gospel. 

My brothers and sisters, do you find life rough and tough for you? Are you rejected because of your faithful preaching? May you find solace and comfort in the power of the Holy Spirit who will give us the Power/ Dunamis to do good and imitate doing good. To do good calls us to love and forgive those who have offended us just us Christ loved and forgave those who sinned against him and those who killed him at the cross. Can we find room to forgive those who have offended us?

Doing good and imitating to do good demands us to search for what is good before God and our fellow people. Remember in the book of Proverbs 11: 27 we are taught that ” the one who searches for what is good finds favour. But if someone looks for trouble  he will find it”. 

May we continue to search doing good and imitating Jesus to do good in whatever we plan to do in this year 2025, in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. 

The Most Revd. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba 
Archbishop of the Province of the Church of Uganda.